Chapter 61

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I genuinely have no idea what took me so long writing this, and I'm really sorry. I've made this longer than planned to make up for lack of updates. The next few might just be filler updates, so please comment and let me know what you think or any ideas you might have.

Thank you all for being so patient and I hope you enjoy xxx

Chapter 61

I storm up the steps, unlocking the door and swinging it open, causing it to bang against the wall.

'Kimberley Jane Walsh!' I shout, throwing my bag and keys onto the floor.

I pause however, frowning when I notice a collection of candles along the hall, forming a path towards the living room.

I walk along the path, pausing when I reach the kitchen because I'm sure I heard something from inside. Opening the door however, I open the door and glance inside to be greeted by an empty room. Shrugging to myself, I turn back towards the trail of candles.

Once I reach the living room doorway, the candles spread out a little and there is a picture between each one.

My confusion and curiosity growing, I look closer at the first picture. It is one of Kimberley and I back when we were on popstars, both looking fed up and exhausted, sat against a wall in rehearsal whilst another contestant was performing.

The room is dimly lit, so I pause before following the path further into the room, planning on flicking the lights on so I can see the rest of the pictures properly. But as I momentarily glance up, I instinctively follow the path of candles, finding that they form a large love heart shape on the other side of the room. In this outline, there is a broad love heart lay out in rose petals.

In the candle lit room, I have to squint slightly to make out the figure stood in the centre of this love heart to be none other than Kimberley.

I stop in the middle of reaching for the light switch, locking eyes with her. I'm not gunna lie, she took my breath away. She is wearing a pair of black skinny jeans, which cling to her hips perfectly, and a white blouse with a plunging neck line, with her hair hanging in loose curls.

'What's all this?' I ask bluntly.

Remembering everything she has done recently, my expression hardens again as she chews her lip anxiously. She looks absolutely gorgeous, but I refuse to react. Praying that my stubbornness will hold out, determined to stay angry with her.

'Your Christmas present' she smiles, that goddess-like smile that makes my heart flutter every time.

Hold it together Cheryl! I mentally slap myself as I feel a smile almost creep onto my face.

'Trying to apologise for earlier? Because it's going to take a lot more than this. A few candles and pictures?'

'You don't honestly think that I would serious treat you that way?' she asks with a hurt expression.

'Oh, so I imagined it?!' I exclaim in disbelief.

'No, of course you didn't' she chuckles a little, rolling her eyes. 'I-'

'Then fucking explain yourself' I spit.

'Obviously I want your mam and Gary to come over for Christmas. And of course I bought you presents. They're right over there' she points to the corner of the room, where I see a collection of gifts resting perfectly against the couch, 'But before you open them.'

She speaks again, regaining my attention as I look back at her.

'You know how you gave me my main present last?' she asks and I nod, a confused frown gracing my face once more as I confirm, 'Well, I'm going o give you yours first, because I don't think I can wait any longer'

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