Chapter 71

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Chapter 71

After a week of relaxing bliss and absolute torture, it's the night before our wedding day. Cheryl's going to stay with her mum and Gary for the night and I'm spending the night with Amy and Sally. They're helping me get ready in the morning, whilst Joan and the girls are helping Cheryl.

'Have I definitely got everything?' She asks again, for the 1000th time.

'I don't know' I repeat for the 1000th time, 'Go and ask your mum. You know I can't help you with this.'

'You can help me with some of it' she argues, 'just not the dress'

'Well now you've ruined the surprise. Now I know you're wearing a dress!'

She looks at me, alarmed for a split second, before he realises I'm winding her up.

'Oh shut up. You know I'm wearing a dress!'

'Well, we're gunna look daft if we're both wearing dresses. I thought you'd be wearing a suit.'

'Piss off' she splutters.

'Anyway, how can I help you pack everything for tonight, when I'm not allowed to see the main item you're taking?' I challenge.

'I just need the support' she shrugs, 'and as my soon-to-be wife, you are supposed to be taking this more seriously.'

'You're mam's got everything anyway. Including your dress! Why are we having this conversation?' I laugh, 'She brought it all and kept everything in her room. So all you have to do is walk over to the hotel.'

'Fine' she huffs, hands on hips as she stands facing me, 'I'll just leave right now, shall I?'

'Now I didn't say that did I?' I point out, 'Let's not be hasty.'

'Well that's the vibe I'm getting from you'

'You're being dramatic' I sigh, 'By all means leave. If you don't want to spend a couple more hours with me that is'

'Oh, I'm never gunna say no to that offer!' she beams, grabbing my hand and dragging me over to the couch.

She pushes me down and climbs on top of me, but surprisingly, she doesn't try anything. Instead, she curls up on my knee and nuzzles into my neck. Making my heart melt.

'Can you believe we're getting married tomorrow?' she says.

I can tell she's smiling by the tone in her voice.

'I know' I rest back into the couch, pulling her with me as I get comfortable, 'You don't think we've done this too quick, do you?'

'What do you mean?' She frowns, sitting up to look at me, 'Are you not ready for this? You think we're rushing into it?'

'No! God no!' I reassure her, 'I just mean the process of it all. Most people are engaged for at least a year before the actual wedding. We had everything planned and booked after two months.'

'Isn't that normally so they have time to save up? We don't really have that problem.' She pouts thoughtfully. 'Is something worrying you? Are you getting cold feet?'

'No, of course I'm not' I chuckle, causing her smile to return and I stroke her dimples, 'I just want everything to be perfect for you'

'Us.' she corrects, poking my nose.

'Us' I repeat, earning a kiss.

'And it will be. Just you wait' she smiles, planting a lingering kiss before resting her forehead against mine.

'What's next?' she asks after a short pause.

'After the wedding?' I ask, to which she nods, 'well, we're going on honeymoon'

'I mean what's next for us' she specifies, her arms momentarily tighten around my neck where they are resting.

'Well... I think we both know what's next' I purse my lips giving her a knowing look as her smile widens, 'Probably not straight away. I mean, we've got the band to think about as well. But, maybe in a year or two'

'Do you think we'd be ready now?' She asks, looking away from me and playing with my sleeve.

'Why? Is there something you need to tell me?' I joke, making her chuckle softly as she looks back at me.

'No, I was just wondering' she blushes.

'I just think when the time is right, we'll both know it' I shrug.

'Me too... Sorry, we shouldn't be discussing this now. One thing at a time, aye?' she suggests with a cheeky wink, 'But I'm so excited. Just for the rest of our lives together'

'I know' I grin, 'I am too'

She plants another kiss on my lips before nuzzling into me again and we fall into a comfortable silence.


A loud pounding at the door jolts us upright. We've been sat here for about half an hour now, just enjoying each other's company.

With great effort, Cheryl stands up, making her way to answer the door.

My sisters breeze through along with Joan. Each looking at us in disbelief.

'I'm sorry. Are you two getting married tomorrow?' Amy asks sarcastically.

'What?' I frown.

'As far as we know we are?' Cheryl says with a look of confusion.

'Well, don't you know it's bad luck to see each other before the wedding?' Joan challenges.

'Yes' we both answer in sync.

'Then what are you doing together with 10 minutes to midnight?!' Sally challenges.

'10 minutes?' I gasp, standing up and looking around for a clock. 'How long have we been sat there?'

'I don't know' Cheryl giggles, 'I didn't even realise.'

'Hurry up, we have to go' Joan urges Cheryl, gesturing to the door.

'Okay, Okay' Cheryl huffs, 'I'm coming'

She hurries over to me as the three of them wait by the door. Pulling me into a tight hug, she whispers in my ear.

'Just wait until tomorrow night when I'm really coming' she pulls away with a wink, causing me to roll my eyes.

We share a quick kiss, then a deeper one, before we hear a time reminder.

'Two minutes'

With a lingering kiss, she hurries to the door and makes her exit.

We stay put for a few minutes, making sure they have time to leave, before we head to Amy's room for the night.

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