Chapter 43

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Chapter 43

'Chez, please let me explain'

'You did this to me?!' I ask, pointing to my head, towards the bandage hiding under the hat she placed on my head minutes before.

'Yes but-'

'No' I whisper, forcing back the tears building up behind my eyes, 'I can't believe it'

'It's true, but I didn't mean to'

'Is that why you stayed by my side throughout?' the need to cry increases as everything begins to unravel... including our relationship, 'The whole time I was in hospital, asking about why I was in there and what happened during the accident... you knew the whole entire time and you wouldn't tell me!'

'You know for a fact that we weren't allowed to tell you anything! You had to remember for yourself' she explains, 'believe me, I've been dying to tell you, but at the same time I've been terrified, thinking about how you'd react, even if I was the one that told you'

'Well is this the reaction you expected?! Did you really think I would react calmly whether you told me, someone else told me, or if I remembered on my own, like I have?' I snap.

Though I am shouting and screaming at her, I still don't feel as angry as most people would. I'm not even as angry as I'm acting.

'Of course this is the reaction I expected!' she shouts back, rising to her feet. 'Obviously you weren't going to be happy that I caused all of this!'

Not as obvious as she might think... I don't exactly feel unhappy.

'You could have died and that was because of me' her voice trembles as she hesitantly takes my hands into her own, 'I don't blame you for hating me and I don't expect you to forgive me... But that's not going to stop me from doing anything and everything to try and make it up to you.'

'Kim' I sigh, sliding my hands out of hers, my enraged act disappearing, 'I don't know what's upset me more'

I look into her eyes, able to see my own reflection in her eyes, instantly noticing my bandage peeking out from underneath my hat. She just looks back at me, waiting for me to continue.

'I don't know if I'm more upset about the fact that you caused the crash, almost killing me and the girls...' she looks down at the ground as I say this, and I gently lift her chin to look at me, though she still avoids my eyes, 'or upset by the fact that I'm not as annoyed as I should be about you causing the crash'

She meets my eyes now, a confused but hopeful glint in her eyes.

'You're not?' she asks doubtfully.

'No' I whisper, unable to hold back a tiny smile at how confused she looks right now. 'I actually feel like I couldn't care less'

'That doesn't even make any sense' she murmurs, 'Are you sure this isn't because of your vertigo, maybe you do still have a little concussion.'

'No it's not...' I reassure before playfully frowning, 'I don't think'

'How can you not hate me right now?' she asks as we sit back down on the bench.

'I don't know...' I admit, properly thinking about it, 'I guess... I'm just glad that you were smart enough to pull over, else it would have been you in that hospital bed.'

She looks at me, her brow furrowing and she goes to argue.

'But, you were hurt, the girls could have been hurt as well...' she goes to continue, but I interrupt.

'I'm glad it was Nics car that crashed, not yours...' she goes to speak up again, but I press my finger to her lips, 'As long as it had the same outcome, and I was the only one that was hurt'

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