Chapter 28

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Chapter 28

‘Kimba’ I sigh, pulling away from her, ‘Come and sit down a minute.’

I take her hand in mine and lead her towards the couch. As I do so, I notice the glass I knocked off the table when I found Ben here.

I help Kimberley to sit down and go to clear the glass, but I stop when I notice the colour of the glass. I pick up a big piece and analyse the brownish substance which has now dried to the glass.

‘Kim, what the hell was in here?’ I ask turning back to Kim.

She glances at the piece of glass in my hands, then up at my face, only to see me looking back at her, with a furrowed brow, and quickly looks to the floor.

‘It was erm...’

‘It looks like shit.’ I state bluntly, but it comes out sounding a little harsh by accident.

‘It’s not shit’ she replies with a small sarcastic laugh, ‘it just tastes like shit’

She leans back on the sofa, possibly hoping I have dropped the conversation as she closes her eyes and rests her head back. I crouch down in front of her, putting the shard of glass on the floor.

‘Kim’ I softly get her attention, resting my hands on her knees. She slowly looks down to me, looking a little nervous. ‘What was in the glass?’

There is a short silence before she quietly mutters are response.

‘A weight-loss shake’

I sigh and tears spring to my eyes again. I look down to where my hands are still resting on her knees, trying to blink away my tears. But seeing how bony her legs are makes it difficult as my eyes fill up again.

Still avoiding her eyes, I sit next to her on the sofa, turning my body to face her; eventually looking up to see her still looking at the floor.

‘Kim, please talk to me’ I whisper and she looks at me, a little confused. ‘I need to know what you’re thinking that has caused you to punish yourself like this’

‘I’ve always had problems with my weight... you know that’ she mumbles, fiddling with her hands.

‘I know babe. But something must have happened recently to make you so... fixed on it.’ I see her shift uncomfortably and I know she is hiding something, ‘has someone said something?’

She turns to look at me again and our eyes lock. I can see she is hiding something so I hold her gaze and her eyes begin to fill up again. She nods as her tears spill down her cheeks and she looks away again.

As I move closer, hoping to comfort her, she says something which makes me pause.

‘I’m a fat ugly b!tch’ she sobs, resting her head in her hands.

I forget to breathe for a few seconds as I instantly recognise those words.

This is all down to him? He called her that, just because she helped me and he knows I love her more than I could ever love him.

I move closer to her, pulling her into my arms as she sobs into my chest and wraps her arms around my waist. Clinging to me.

‘This is all my fault’ I gasp after thinking about it.

I didn’t even realise I had said it out loud until Kimberley quickly pulled away with a horrified expression. I can see her about to argue but I quickly intercept.

‘Don’t tell me it isn’t Kim.’ I say emotionlessly, ‘Ashley said that to you right? If I hadn’t brought him into our lives, you wouldn’t have had a reason to save me, he wouldn’t have said those things and you wouldn’t be like this now’

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