Chapter 40

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Chapter 40

Kimberley's P.O.V

I'm in the middle of eating my tea now. The girls, Gary and Joan have been here all day, which I'm pretty glad about.

If they weren't here, I think I would feel fairly uncomfortable around Cheryl. I don't know why. We were fine last night, but when I woke up this morning and realised I had to eat my breakfast and the other meals and snacks that follow it, I felt sick. I was feeling guilty before I had even opened that baguette, I had to pretty much force it down my throat.

I have been pretty detached from the group all day, and they have definitely noticed. I've not really been paying attention to what they have been talking about or laughing at. I felt a little scared of joining the conversation incase I found they were laughing at me.

I know they would never do that, they're good friends.

Then again... I thought Cheryl was a good girlfriend, yet she said I was a stupid b!tch and she called me fat. I know I told her never to compare herself to Ashley, but she basically called me everything he did, only he didn't call me stupid... he called me ugly.

Fat ugly b!tch... that was the tipping point for me. That was the trigger to all of these problems, even the car crash. The reason we are all sat at Cheryl's bedside in this hospital in the first place.

But even I won't let Ashley take the blame for why I am like this. I shouldn't have let him get to me like this; I know it's my own fault.

I am snapped out of my thoughts why the curtain being pulled back and for a split second I can see everyone, talking and having a laugh. My eyes are instantly pulled to Cheryls gorgeous smile and dimples.

But then they are gone again as the curtain is pulled back.

I am aware that someone is now sat beside me, and that someone is Sarah no doubt. But I can't bring myself to look at her. I know there will be questions.

'Talk to me Kim'

I sigh, finally turning to look at her, meeting her concerned eyes, worry lines carved into her forehead.

'You didn't mind eating yesterday and you were quick to accept my offer to eat with you. Right here, with you in your spot.' She says patting the space between us. 'So what changed?'

It isn't a demanding question. She speaks in a soft tone, knowing that my diet and negative thoughts are a difficult subject.

I hesitate about whether I should tell her the truth about my change in attitude. I know for a fact that I can fully trust her with anything I talk to her about. She's my best friend. We support each other.

'She...' I hesitate again before just whispering it in a rush, 'She called me fat.'

It's blunt and I'm not sure if she understood. But then I look at her and her concern has now turned to confusion and slight anger.

'Who did?' she whispers, carefully not to let the others hear, 'Cheryl?'

I don't reply. I just swallow the lump in my throat and wipe a tear from my lashes before it falls.

'She said it last night right? When we had left?'

I nod my head a little.

'Well we both know she was shouting the odds yesterday. She was throwing accusations around, insults, threats, the lot!' she reminds me, throwing her hands in the air for emphasis, 'we know Cheryl... you definitely know Cheryl. We both know she would never carry out any of the threats she made last night, so we know that she would never truly mean any of the insults she spat out.'

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