Chapter 67

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Chapter 67

After sound check, we're all hanging out in Sarah's hotel room. Drew managed to get us a room each, but obviously me and Kimberley have one between us. The girls don't know that Kimberley and I are arguing, we managed to keep civil in front of them.

But right now, all I want to do is go to our hotel room and be alone. Only we're sharing a room. So I know this talk she wants us to have is unavoidable for the night. I just don't want it yet. This is the only way I seem to be able to make space between us for now.

Kimberley has been sat on her phone for most of the time we have been in here. She was texting me at one point, but gave up when she finally got the hint that I wasn't going to respond. But I can't help but wonder who she is texting now.

Probably Jamie. Or Pembo. Or maybe another ex that I don't know about.

I mentally kick myself for thinking that. Because I know she would never do that. I know I probably overreacted before. But I don't want to admit that to her.

It hurt us when she reminded me about Jamie practically coming on tour with us. Because while she was living it up, shagging her boyfriend in every town and city we went to, I was in the darkest place I have been in me whole life.

That was a time in my life when Ashley was especially on edge about me being with Kimberley so much, because he couldn't be there all the time to keep an eye on me. Every night I had to ring him from my hotel room or when the girls had gone on a night out so he knew I was alone. When he managed to visit, he would whisk us away to our hotel room as soon as he could to "remind me who's in control" and "what will happen if I ever betray him".

It's strange to think of how different our lives where back then. We barely spoke. And when we did speak it would normally be her initiating the conversation, only to be ignored by me so I didn't go against Ashley's demands.

And yet, here we are, on another tour, sat in the same room as each other, but still not speaking. Yet again.

'Shoot! Girls, can any of you lend me some underwear?' Sarah grumbles as she rummages through her bag, 'It's just for in the morning until we get back on the tour bus'

'Well, if its only for that amount of time, why not just wear the ones your wearing now?' Nadine queries, causing Sarah to pause her rummaging, looking up in thought.

'I suppose I could' she confirms with a nod, 'thanks Nads'

'Here to help' Nadine beams, proudly.

'Just make sure you don't piss yourself in the night Sarah' Nic jokes.

'Wouldn't be a problem Nic' Sarah cackles, 'I sleep naked babes' she flashes a cheeky wink Nics way.

'You don't while we're on the tourbus' Kimberley points out

'Only because you wake me up most mornings' Sarah explains, 'Wouldn't want to steal you from our Chezza, would I?'

Before we can respond, there's a knock at the door, stealing everyone's attention as we all turn towards the door.

'Expecting someone?' I frown.

Sarah simply shakes her head as she shoves her clothes back into her bag.

'One of yous lot best not have ordered room service from my bill' she warns as she heads for the door.

She glances through the peephole to check who it is.

'Uh-oh' she mutters, reaching for the handle and opening the door nonetheless.

Hilary steps in, looking a mixture of flustered and relieved once she spots us all either on or sat around the bed.

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