Chapter 56

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Chapter 56

'Kim, how much longer is this going to take?' I groan, flopping back into the desk chair for the umpteenth time since we started this.

We're drafting up a statement to release to the press about our relationship. After contacting Hilary to confirm our decision, she told us that she is thinking about getting us an exclusive interview with OK! Magazine for after our initial statement is released. But obviously she hasn't been able to do so yet, because she couldn't disclose what the interview would be about.

I know Kimberley is getting fed up of me now, seen as I'm acting like a child whose been dragged out shopping for hours, but I'm so bored!

'I just want to make sure it's right' She murmurs, still focusing on the pad of paper in front of her.

She really is taking this seriously. She even dragged us into the study so we could sit at the desk.

'Kimberley, it's perfect' I tell her firmly, standing up, my hands pressed on the desk as I lean over her, 'You have read and reread that statement at least ten times already, and so far, the most you have done is add a full stop and replace a comma with a semi-colon!'

'Would you shut up?!' she snaps suddenly, 'if you're not going to take this seriously, Cheryl, then leave me alone to sort it myself!'

'Gladly' I mutter, and with that, I grab my phone from where it has been resting on the desk and march out, slamming the door behind me.


After half an hour, Kimberley still hasn't come out of the study. She's probably still fretting over this statement, meanwhile I've sat on my arse watching an episode of last weeks Corrie.

I decide I better show a little more interest in this process, seen as it is the two of us in this relationship. And right now I'm in the dog house, I need to get back in her good books, else there'll be nothing to go public about.

So, I make us both a cup of tea, before going to check on her. Carefully edging the door open with my elbow, holding a cuppa in each hand, I peer into the room.

'Kimba?' I ask cautiously, finding her still sat at the desk, her head in her hands.

She glances up at me, and it's clear she has been crying, making my heart heavy. She sniffs and straightening up in her chair, returning her focus to the paperwork in front of her, trying to cover the fact she was crying.

'Come on Kimba, enough now.' I reason, moving further into the room and closing the door behind me. 'We can come back to this tomorrow or something, there's no rush or deadline for it is there?'

She doesn't reply, she just reaches for the pen and pretends to add something to it. Probably just making a full stop more bold or something. I'd already seen her do it twice before I left.

'Right, well...' I sigh, 'I've made you a cuppa. I'll be in the living room if you want me.'

Setting the mug down in front of her, I turn to leave. As I reach the door, she speaks up in a hushed tone.

'Chez I'm sorry' I turn around, thinking I've imagined it for a minute, as her eyes remain down and she doesn't seem to have moved.

I go to leave again, but she finally looks up, 'You've done nothing wrong and I shouldn't be treating you like shit.'

'I wouldn't say you were treating me like shit' I shrug, hesitantly walking back over to the desk, 'Maybe something else you've stepped in' I shrug, hoping to lighten the mood a little. 'A muddy puddle maybe? Or a piece of old gum? But not shit, definitely not shit.'

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