A Random Challenge No. 1

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28 October 2015 um hello????

Okay, so I'm very bored at home and decided to scroll through some books on Wattpad. I read some tagged challenges on a book, and was like "You know what? Let's try to do one!" I'm going to try to do one specific challenge later when I get more o.cs (no no no no, this is not an expression! This is O.Cs...) . For now I'm just going to do one random challenge I made up myself.

The Hashtag Challenge.

The rules:

1) Any hashtag is acceptable.

2) You can do a group hashtag, like "#Food, #Chicken, #Rice, #ChickenRice, #Cucumber".

3) You can also do an 'opinion hashtag'(I made it up myself :P), like "#MostPeopleInTheWorldAreInPovertyAlthoughPeopleMakeEnoughFoodToFeedOneAndAHalfEarthsSoThisShowsThatSomePeopleDoesNotDistributeFoodEquallyToOthersAndArePiggingOnMoreFoodThanNeededToFeedOn". o.0 That's quite long, I must admit.

4) Try to make the trolliest, funniest, and most random hashtags. It makes it more interesting!

5) You can hashtag anything that is happening or has happened in your life, like "#TheWindIsBlowingInMyFace". What....I even find this thing....you know what? Let's move on!

6) Any length of hashtag is acceptable, like "#AFewPeopleThatIKnowIPersonallyThinkAreBeauracraticIdiotsWhoOnlyThinkOfThemselvesAndAreFreakingArrogantArePeopleWhoThinksTheyAre100%CorrectWhenInFactNoOneIsPercfectAndAreNotPerfectionistsLikeTheyWinSomeNobelPeacePrizeOrSomethingAndAreSoFullOfThemselvesAndThatMakesMeSoSickThatIFeelLikeThrowingUpSoonAndIAmSureIfYouSeenWhatThosePeopleDoStuffYouWillBeSuperPissedAtThosePeopleAndMakesYourBloodBoil".

7) Have fun! :D

Okay, so those examples I had shown you guys are some of the hashtags I thought of. Here's some more:

#Food, #Chicken, #Rice, #ChickenRice, #Pasta, #Carbonara, #Spaghetti, #AngelsHair, #Tomato, #Cheese, #Milk, #Beef, #Steak, #Sausage, #Meat, #Vegatables, #Cabbage, #LadysFingers, #Broccoli, #Chili...

Okay, I have to leave it here or else it would take an extra 50 pages to list down the whole thing.



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