
14 3 1

20 January 2016

I forgot to mention. The previous entry was published today. Oh yeah, and the events that will be posted for this entry and the next few entries aren't going to be in order, because I FORGOT THE ORDER!! *weeps* XD

11-13 January 2016

Okay, compressing 3 days together because I don't have much things going on then.

Our lessons had already begun. But one of my most enjoyable lessons you can say its D&T. Stands for Design & Technology. At our first lesson, my teachers have to arrange everyone according to index number. And in case you didn't know, the list I had recorded for the An Intro Would Do entries were arranged in index number. There's 8 people in a table. It's not that crowded actually. But #goodlucktobothclareandkyle. They're the only boys in their own tables.

First up, our main teacher first introduces himself and talks some other things I had forgotten. But one of the things I do remember is when he talks about my school.

"In my past experience, my students doesn't know what to write for the school name," He says. For D&T worksheets, we have to write our school name there because I think its nation-wide use or something. Anyway, back to here.

"Please do note that you're supposed to write it as-" He writes our school's short form name on the whiteboard.

"-And do not put it as-" He writes down "ASS" on the whiteboard, which caused the class to erupt into laughter.

A- (my school name)

S- secondary

S- school

And I'm betting you know what "ass" is.

Next time if you see your school short form name, and ask "Why is it not put as:

(your school's name's first letter)

(whatever your type of school is short form name)

Ehhhh.... it might be because be too er.....mature for little kids.


Anyway, for my homework, we have to copy pictures. I think Krys would like that!


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