What We Did In San Franciso

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10 October 2015(San Francisco time)
Hint: My feet is sore.

Did you managed to deduce what we did? Okay, it means that we walked a lot during our time here. At first we had actually decided to travel around on cable cars, but apparently all the cable cars isn't seen because Barak Obama is in town. O_O No offense, but I don't see any connection between Barack Obama and cable cars. Anyway, so we have to walk around San Francisco with 2 rides of a shuttle bus and trust me, it isn't easy. Tip: Please bring hiking boots along when visiting San Francisco. I dubbed San Francisco as an "uphill town/city" because most of San Francisco is uphill. With the cable cars unseen and few shuttle buses, we have to walk up through the town/city and yeah, you get the idea.
Besides our sore feet, there are other stuff to have fun with.
We managed to catch an air show performed by Blue Angels. In case you didn't know, Blue Angels is an airforce group that has the one of the best teamwork spirits, according to my dad. I haven't really checked it out yet, but if it's true, you can learn from them next time you do a group project! :) The air show is pretty awesome, you should check it out next year at the same date! Words alone could not describe this experience, but I would try my best. They did some stunts(along with coloring gases?) for the air show. #GreatestExplainationEver My twin bro is surprised that none of the Blue Angels showed signs that they had puked during the entire time. Yup, those stunts are that hardcore so if you are the pilot doing those stunts, you might puke. (Maybe I shouldn't had explained this part...) My favorite part is when they used "micro planes" (my mum actually made them up, I don't know what they are exactly...)to use puffs of smoke to write messages in the sky. If you looked from afar, at first glance, it looks like some invisible person wrote the letters! (Um, duh, which is why those planes are called "micro planes", they are so tiny...)
We also went to the cable car museum, where we learned, well, about cable cars! (Errr... I really need to stop pointing out things that are so obvious..) Apparently the mechanics have to work from 1a.m to 6a.m to fix the broken cable cars! O_O Geez, that must be hard work during the wee hours! We also learned that at first, cable cars were abandoned to make way for other vehicles, but later made a comeback. I earlier didn't know there are cable cars in San Francisco! Well, I think I better do some research before exploring an unfamiliar territory. We also saw the workings of what makes the cable car chug(is it a good word to describe it? If not, use "move" instead.)
Okay, so tomorrow, my parents, my twin bro and I are going to somewhere else. My dad would be going to Houston(for meeting) and the rest of us would go to Seattle(mum for meeting and seeing old friend. We twins just chill for four days, I guess). So, we have to go on another aeroplane for Seattle. Thankfully it's not another 20 hour flight!

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