Raining Paper.....Is That Normal??? No.

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29 September 2015

Sorry for the late update. My 30 minutes computer time ran out. Anyway, here it is.

Since today is all about the revision life, I decided to pull this out. (Translation: Because at school all I did was revise, I got nothing to talk about at school and thus talked about a scenario that already happened but i still think it's funny.)

At that time it was after school, and all the Primary Six Students had to gather for a Science lecture. Well....not exactly a high school lecture. And those lectures already ended. I was sitting with three of my friends and was in front of a row of 4 boys. They are Nathaniel(Nat), Ronan, Hong Yi(a sicko, don't ask), and Miguel(another sicko). (Seriously, I don't know whether all of them are sickos. My bro reckoned they are.) Some minutes into the lecture, I saw paper strips raining down onto the fronts of the class and my bro's class. I was also sitting at the front, so I'm sort of affected and my bro's class and my class were sitting side by side. Guess who were throwing them? Four culprits were sitting behind me. My friend who also later in  the future got annoyed by my screeching(remember the part when my levelmates went mental?) got annoyed by the boys and started plotting for revenge. Meanwhile, the other girls in the front(all the people in the front that time were girls) started noticing about paper raining while the girls in my bro's class does nothing.... I'm really surprised the girl who was hit in the butt by a paper strip didn't retaliate.

Anyway, two of my classmates and I got so irritated by  the 4 boys' "rain" that we started using their "weapons" (their paper strips) against them. I'm not sure how well my two classmates did, but I did pretty well myself(duh....I'm in front of them). I managed to hit Nat in the cheek. BULL'S EYE!!! But later, something light hit my hair. I also managed to get Ronan to scratch his collarbone(For some lazy readers who doesn't want to interpret what I mean: I hit Ronan in the collarbone) and Hong Yi almost kissed one of my missiles(One of the paper strips almost hit Hong Yi's lips. Hehe). I decided not to take my revenge on Miguel as he did not throw any of the paper strips. He was just tearing paper strips from a foolscap paper. I can't believe it am admitting to it, but I had fun "playing with boys" as my classmate put as her lame reason to attack the boys. Gee, but I'm not sure about friending them. Boys are so un-negotiate-able. Besides, some of them are sick.

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