Graduation Hi-Tea

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6 November 2015

My gawd, now is like 11p.m rite now.

Anyway, I'm supposed to tell you about the graduation thing. Here it is:

Since my mum won't be sending me and my younger bro to Crowne Plaza, we have to go to school by 11.45am just to reach there 1h earlier. On the way there and back, I played a game on the iPad-that's-not-my-mum's(my friends think I'm crazy to bring that). While waiting for the doors for the ballroom to open(we were forced to wait in the waiting area), I killed more than 2h by playing several intense matches of balloon volleyball(and caused some people to join in and disrupt some temporarily by accident), watch some people play card games and talk to my friends.

When the doors finally opened, we rushed inside and found a table at the left side of the ballroom and occupied it. Since there's only four of us and more vacant seats, we were later joined by girls from another class.

There, we all played a round of Bingo, only to find out that the emcee had given every table the same sheet of paper. The winner of that round would be the one holding a piece of Bingo sheet holding the emcee's signature. And that winner was the table next to ours.

Then, it's lunch. We literally have to "make some noise" just to go eat lunch as it will have massive chaos if everyone go at once. Thankfully, the left side won(my side!). But, the teachers have to eat first. -_- After getting a queue only to be taken over by a boy(I swear, boys are the same) for the main course, I went to the dessert corner for desserts, because why not? I personally like desserts more than the main course. I received mini croissants(those are heavenly), mini brownies(tastes sweet), chocolate éclairs(creamy), a fruit tart(I don't like those, that's my opinion) and a "What the hell?"(I did some crazy thing back at the desserts corner. I'm not going into details. Funny why such an idea pops up in my brain. Back at the waiting-for-the-doors-to-open part, I also did another crazy thing and got pinched several times. Also not going into details).

While eating my second serving of desserts(remember, I didn't take the main course), one of my classmates, BH, vommitted some cm from my left. Due to that, he smells(no offense, but that's true. I once vommitted and my breath stinks for the whole day).

Later, I learnt that he ate through 5 SERVINGS too quickly.

After that incident(should I call it an incident?), we continued to play another game. The emcee grouped 4 tables into 1 team. Each team have to compete against each other by sending a group of five that meets the requirements. Like for example, the emcee wants five people with the same foot size. Then the teams have to send 5 people that has that the fastest to win.

After a few rounds of that, there is a competition to see who the best-dressed boy and girl are. In the end, a boy from another class and a girl from my bro's class won. After that? The end of the whole graduation thing.

Sorry I couldn't continue for now. My mum wants me to sleep. And I won't be on Wattpad for the next few days due to my mum's insistence on no electronics.... Tomorrow, we are going to my cousin's house!!! :D

9 November 2015

For some reason, this is published later even though on 6 Nov Wattpad said it published this entry for that. Either way, if you "look" close enough, the last few parts of that entry wasn't upbeat enough. That's because today at school shows something that shocks me to the core. Want to know what happened? After you read the entry after the next one, you will know.

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