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11 February 2016

Okay...... Still lagging behind... >.<

9 February 2016

Today, it's all about being in the car. 

We left my grandparents' house at around 7.30 am, and drove to the immigration point there. Along the way, we bought some food from MacDonalds.

We ordered for 6 packets of Apple pie and a medium-sized packet (pile? Set?) of French fries, but sadly the service was....... Unexpected. And so, in the end, we left the MacDonalds branch 30 minutes later with a large set of French fries. While we were exiting it, we spotted a Starbucks café beside it, and my youngest bro was like "Oh my god, we should had gone there instead!😭😭" well, at least we have a large set of French fries free of charge (^O^)

We also stopped for petrol (duh) and played some music in the car. 

For those who don't know, the road from Malaysia to Singapore, especially during the holidays, are always jam-packed. So..... To pass time, my dad instructed us to watch the kids in the other cars. Some of the kids were playing on their phones (duh) and some were just staring at nothing. 

When asked why we were doing this, he answered "If you have nothing to do, you can always learn human psychology on the road". Well dad, that wasn't what I expected to be.

After like some hours, we FINALLY managed to get into Singapore. And when we came back home, it was 7.30 pm. 

We spend 12 freaking hours on the road.


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