Debating, Last Day Of School & TV Shows

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18 November 2015
Woohoo~! The end of school......though I would miss everyone there....too bad my mum didn't give me a phone earlier in my life....or else I could communicate with everyone I knew in primary school...😢😢😢 Though I guess it will be a bit hectic..... Anyway, I forgot to type in yesterday's entry because I was too busy trying out a new book....:3 Anyway, here's a mash of yesterday and today!!
17-18 November 2015
On 17, it's the usual boring stuff again......and here comes the eventful part. For some reason, during dinner, we got into the topic of ISIS, and sooner or later we were debating whether the authorities should destroy or deconstruct ISIS. What  I meant by "deconstruct" is by splitting up or disband ISIS.
Well...many people who believe in second chances would want ISIS to de disbanded. But the downside is, there will be a higher chance of a new terrorist group rising from the "ashes". destroying a better idea? It will have a lower chance of having a new terrorist group, but there will possibly be a lot of complaints from the people. And having a big crowd of people angry isn't going to make matters better.
Either way, people will still have revenge. the end, we just gave up on talking about it.
Okay, the next day, aka the last day of school. To my utter unsurprise, a lot of people were taking selfies and signing/writing messages on the autographs page of the yearbook. To my utter surprise, people were taking selfies at the weirdest places (hey, I witnessed a pair of boys taking selfies when they were supposed to be climbing the stairs) and people signing/writing messages on other people's clothes. And most of the clothes were currently being worn by others! 😳😳😳😳😳😳
Yeah. I guess that's some ways to remember your friends. But I have something most doesn't have. Yearbooks. To be honest, I have every single yearbook since I first entered school. So.....people had no secrets concerning their former classmates or their former class to hide from me!!!!! MWAHAHAHA!!!!😈😈😈😈😈
Sorry, I'm getting a bit evil.😣😣😣😣😣
Anyway, at night, I was just watching TV cuz my mother forced us to get our eyes away from small electronics. Like iPhone and iPad (no idea why it's called "small"). So....I was just surfing through channels until I landed on the National Geographical Channel. Then I started watching a show called "Do or Die". It's nothing threatening. Anyway, it's shows you a life-or-death situation, and gives you three options on what to do. Two options will kill you while one option will allow you to escape. It will also kill you if you don't use it wisely. And that option is always against human instincts (I'm not exactly sure on the "always"). After watching the first situation of it, then my mum's like "let's watch it for the rest of our lives!!!" Well... That's not exactly what she said, but same meaning. 😑 well.....but those situations does not help you on surviving them, but at least it tells you what to of the people I knew has books like "How to survive an earthquake" and stuff like that, but in the end.....
Anyway, I also watched another show called Man VS Viral. The hosts there just try to surpass those who had done it before.
Sorry for the short explanation but the iPad battery is running out.....

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