Logic Puzzle/Long Riddle

13 3 3

17 December 2015

Yeah....pretty much there's nothing going on here....

So.....riddle time!

This is from yesterday, but I don't know what to put for today.... -_-

There's a man, who has a strange routine everyday.

He works at the 11th floor.

He always used the lift to go to work (duh) .

Before he goes to work, he checks the weather forecast.

Whenever it's a rainy morning or when there's at least someone with him in the lift, he straight away go to the 11th floor.


Whenever its a sunny morning or it's only himself in the lift, he goes to the 5th floor first then he climbs all the way up to the 11th floor by stairs.

What do you think?

The answer will be revealed tomorrow (because I'm mean) .


Please note that this riddle is not rightfully my own and legally belongs to my eldest brother (because he made it, not me) .

Feel free to ask questions about it, but all I'm going to say is either a yes or a no (that's the rule he made up, not me!) .

You know what? I'm feeling extra mean today.


One of you must at least ask a question, so I know one of you is at least trying.

Until then, no answers .

Hope you enjoyed this mind-boggling riddle!


Feel free to share this too!

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