Chapter 25: The Sketch book

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Sorry I haven't been updating its just all the stress and then theirs the bullies and shit but there's also writer's block. I think I got the ideas for the story down now but if you guys have any ideas please let me know.

Kid's POV

So, as I'm waiting for the rest of the gang, I started thinking and I thought maybe we could just find a way to sneak in and eavesdrop on whatever we can find and get some information and, hopefully, proof. Suddenly, Maka and Soul showed up with everyone else behind them. "Alright, so when we get there, we will sneak in in groups and search for anything that could be proof to get (Y/N) out of that cell." I explained as we started heading to Arachnophobia. "Saga, how did you get out of the house without Stein noticing?" I asked. "Oh, he's on a date with Marie. But, you didn't here it from me." Saga replied, giggling. We are going way too slow! Why are we taking our time!? This is (Y/N) we are talking about! "Guys, we need to go faster. We need to get (Y/N) out of that hell hole." I said as I summoned Beelzebub and rode ahead. They started running after me. As we were getting closer to Arachnophobia, all the weapons transformed just in case we get in a bad situation. "Okay, I'll split us into groups to find information: Maka and Soul + Blackstar and Tsubaki, Saga and Natalie + Alex and Anika, and Liz, Patty, and I will go alone." I explained. They nodded an found their groups. "Ready?" I asked. "Ready." They all replied. We all separated around the building looking for a way to sneak in. I walked to a door that was on in the back of Arachnophobia. It was a simple wooden door, as surprising as it sounds. I listened through the door. Nothing. Just to be sure, I walked behind a tree and through a stone at the door. I waited but nothing happened so I walked back to the door and slowly opened it. It led into a dark room. I walked slowly and cautiously, just in case there was a trap. I found another door and slowly opened it to see a lightened hallway. As my eyes adjusted to the light, I walked up a flight of stairs at the end of the hallway. There were four doors. This looks awfully familiar. I thought as I opened a door to see a king size bed and a dresser with a picture on it. I picked up the picture to examine it. It was the same picture that was in (Y/N)'s locket. This room must be her parents' room. I quickly searched the room to find nothing. I left to the next room which was a bathroom. With no interest, I left to the third room which seemed to be just an extra room. All it had was an empty dresser and a queen sized bed. I left to the last room. I suddenly remembered why that area was so familiar. I went to this room when I got knocked out and made my first contact with (Y/N). I smiled at the memory and looked around her black and purple room with a matching queen sized bed. It was a very symmetrical room. I looked into both her nightstand sand all I found was a sketch book. I opened it and immediately regretted it. It was deep and dark. I flipped to one page and immediately put the book away. It a tombstone with her own name on it. We are so having a talk about this! I thought as I stormed out of the room, forgetting why I was here, and bumped into Giriko himself. He smiled and the next thing I saw was darkness.

I'm sorry if this was a little depressing...

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