Chapter 57: Another loss for Conner

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I'm a horrible person for this title... I'm sorry. I couldn't think of anything else...

I refuse to call Stein 'Dr. Stein', btw...

Conner's POV

No...... No, no, no, no, NO!!! This can NOT be happening! I thought as (Y/N) walked over and bent down to check Saga's pulse. "Conner... I'm so sorry..." she spoke, softly, pulling me into a hug. I hugged back and dug my nails into her back, trying to stop my crying. I don't think she minded though. After she let go, I stood up and wiped off my face. Natalie returned to her human form with tears streaming down her face as Saga's body turned into a light green soul. Soul ran over to comfort her. Free and Erika had ran away, but they are lucky we didn't notice until now. "Conner, do you need to talk?" (Y/N) asked. "Yeah, but first I want to leave." I replied, picking up Saga's soul and walking towards the door with the rest following.

~Le Time Skip to the train brought to you by: Can You Feel My Heart by Bring Me The Horizon... And, the fact that I am pissed at some people and want to punch a wall again but that bruised my knuckles last time so I won't (Sorry about the itty-bitty rant)~

Reader's POV

"Want to talk now?" I asked Conner as I took a seat next to him on the train. "Sure... I just- I can't help but feel even worse at the fact that it was me who killed her. Even if I wasn't myself... I still did it." Conner said, staring at Saga's soul. "Even so, It was me who got us all in this mess. Don't blame yourself. I shouldn't be here with you guys. I caused you to almost die. I caused you to get kidnapped and beaten. I even caused the one you love to die..." I assured him before taking a small glance at Kid. He was staring at the ground with Sam on his arm. He looked up at me, but I quickly looked back at Conner. "Don't say that! I wouldn't have gotten the confidence to fight if you didn't inspire me in many ways. I will never give up on you. I will never let you go. I won't lose you like Caleb and Saga... because of me..." Conner said. It brought tears to my eyes. No one has ever cared about me like that other than Crona and...... Kid... I hugged Conner again as we arrived at our stop. "Okay, this time I'm getting water! I am not passing out again!" I declared, getting off the train. Conner laughed a little. "You passed out on your way here?" Conner asked, stifling another laugh. "Maybe..." I mumbled, smiling a little. "Wow." Conner said as we started walking again.

~Le Time Skip brought to you by: Lazy Author-chan~

Still Reader's POV

We were nearing the DWMA to report to Lord Death when I realized... "OH MY GOD!!!" I yelled. "What!?" Conner asked. "Stein..." I replied. Conner's eyes widened. "Welp, bye guys." He waved, trying to walk off. I grabbed his wrist. "No way in hell you are making me do this alone!" I said, dragging him into the school. Conner and I walked to the Crescent Moon class, where Stein was sitting, dissecting a bird or some shit while the others went to the Death Room to report. "Heyyy, Stein." I said, nervously, walking up to him. Conner held the soul behind his back as he followed. "Glad to see you're back safe. Where's Saga?" Stein asked in a monotone voice. My stomach dropped. "About that... I'm so, so, very sorry..." I said as Conner brought out her Soul. Stein took a moment to realize before he widened his eyes and stood up, looking down. "I see..." He trailed off as we all stood in silence. It lasted about a minute before Stein tried to jump at Conner. I quickly kicked him in the stomach. He skidded back a bit. "RUN, BITCH, RUN!!!" I yelled as we started running towards the Death Room. We burst through the door and hid behind Lord Death. "What's wro-" "WHERE ARE THEY!?!?" Stein interrupted Lord Death, bursting through the door also. "Reaper...... CHOP!!!" Lord Death said, bringing his hand down on Stein. "It's not nice to scare the children, let alone interrupt. Anyway, what is all of this about?" Lord Death asked, even though he already knew. "They killed Saga!" Stein complained, glaring at Conner and I. "Bitch, what!? We didn't kill her... Technically..." I trailed off. "See!?" Stein crossed his arms on his chest. "Look, its not like-... How do I explain this?... Medusa had Free and Erika infect Conner with some sort of liquid that made his eyes go red, and him turn against us. Saga got distracted and got stabbed through her stomach." I explained, walking over towards the others with Conner. Stein looked sad and pissed at the same time. "Heeey~, I killed Medusa though~!" I said, failing to lighten the mood. "That's great, (Y/N)! I'm proud!" Lord Death clapped his hands and Stein calmed just a little bit.

Lord Death

Well, this is tense... "(Y/N), they told me all they knew when they were in there. Is there anything else that you alone have to share?" I asked, tilting my head towards (Y/N). I couldn't help but notice she was also standing quite far away from Kid. It's the farthest I have ever seen them. Eh, teenager drama... "Medusa told me that all she wanted to dosas kill me to keep my mother from using me to 'win'. She said that she put the voices in my head to drive me to suicide. I knew she didn't like me, but I never knew she hated me so much that she wanted me dead." (Y/N) explained, looking down. "Okay. Well then, I think that is enough. Why don't you all go home and relax? We will plan something in memory of Saga." I announced, shooing everyone out except Stein. After everyone left, I looked at Stein. "We need to keep an eye on (Y/N). I think there is something she is capable of that not even her mother knows about."

~Le Time Skip brought to you by: My Walking Dead monologue that I'm doing in Speech/Drama 2~

Reader's POV

It's been two days since the incident and I'm feeling horrible. I can't help how much I'm keeping myself from Kid. Come on, (Y/N)! This is ridiculous! Be a woman, jeez!........ Wait?... No voices! Fuck yeah! I'm free!... I smiled as I got dressed in my outfit for Saga's funeral. I did my makeup and hair before walking down the stairs to get my umbrella. Kid was standing by the door with Conner and Patty, who was being quiet for once. She was holding a little giraffe plushy. Kid kept staring at me. I looked away and smirked. "Liz! What the hell is taking you so long? It's a funeral, not a pageant!" I yelled up the stairs. "Ugh, I'm coming! Omg!" Liz said, walking down the stairs. "Okay then, let's go." I said while Kid held the door open for everyone.

~Le Time Skip brought to you by: The Izaya story I'm writing, BUT don't know if I will post it... Yet at least~

Reader's POV

After service, in the rainy cemetery where Saga's soul lay in a box that was buried in front of the tomb stone, I stayed with Conner as he kneeled to make the flowers look more neat than thrown on the grave. Everyone had left except for Kid. "Are you okay?" He asked. I had been starring off into space when his words brought me back to reality. "Um, uh... Yeah, yes I am. Listen, I'm sorry I over reacted. I should've known you didn't mean it." I replied, looking down to my feet. "No. Don't apologize. I was the one who messed up. I shouldn't have let those words come out of my mouth. I love you." Kid said, lifting up my chin. "I love you too." I said hugging him. We hugged or a few minutes before I heard Conner sneeze. "Boo-boo, we should go. You're going to get sick." I said, putting a hand on his shoulder. (A/N: Idk why, but I keep calling people Boo-boo XD). He slowly nodded as we all started walking back to the mansion. Why do I have this weird feeling in my heart/stomach? I think... Ugh, there it is again! I think I need to talk to Lord Death...

Arachne's Daughter (Death The Kid X Reader) (ON HOLD)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora