Chapter 24: The plan

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Kid's POV

I've been in the school library ever since (Y/N) has been locked up, two hours ago. Damnit! I still can't figure out who, or what, killed that citizen but I'm not going to lose hope. It's (Y/N) we are talking about. I love her and I'm not going to give up and turn against her. That's just horrible. I just couldn't find anything else that could have done this besides a spider witch. It had to be Arachne. I need to go talk to (Y/N), but I'm not allow- oh wait. I'm the son of Lord Death. I started walking to the dungeon cells. When I got to (Y/N)'s cell, I knocked. "(Y/N), I have news that may not be that good." I said. "Come in." Was all I heard. I walked in to see (Y/N), locked up in chains. It hurt, it really did. I couldn't control myself as my body walked all on its own and I hugged her. "I missed you." I said. "Kid, it's only been two hours." (Y/N) replied. "Two hours is too long. But, that's not why I'm here." I said. "Spill it." (Y/N) replied. "Okay, before you say anything, here me out. I did research for the past two hours and found out that your mother is the only one who could have done this. So, since your stuck here, I will go see your mother and get her to admit she did it. Then, they will have to let you free." I explained. "NO, NO, NO, NO, NO!!! She will kill you!" (Y/N) exclaimed. "But (Y/N), I have to. I can't stand not being with you and having you stuck here, alone. How about I bring the rest of the gang to make it easier." I offered. "Kid... I said no." (Y/N) replied. I got up and walked to the door. I stepped out the door, closed it, an locked it. "I'm going." I said. "NO!!!" (Y/N) yelled, trying to get to the door through her chains. She started crying and it hurt me. I closed my eyes tightly as I walked away, not wanting to see her suffer anymore. I pulled out my phone and messaged the gang:

Kid: Hey guys I have a proposition... That is... If you're up for it...


Tsubaki: Sure, I guess.

Maka: Depends...

Soul: ^^^

Saga: Natalie said she's interested, so I'm interested.

Anika: If Alex wants to.

Alex: What you got?

Kid: We need to get (Y/N) out of the dungeon by proving she didn't do it. I found out it had to be Arachne, but we need proof. So, we have to go on a secret mission to Arachne. (Y/N) didn't want me to go at all even if I had you guys because she doesn't want us to fail but we have to get her out of there. I need to be with her.

Alex: Anything for (Y/N).

Anika: ^Well, he's my meister😂.

Blackstar: ITS A MISSION!!! IM IN!!!

Tsubaki: Of course.

Maka: Well, I think it is a bad idea but it's for (Y/N) so ok.

Soul: Sounds cool.

Saga: We shall save our (Y/N)-boo!!!
                                    -Natalie & Saga

Yesss!!! We are in!!! I thought as I sent them the details to the mission. It's show time.

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