Chapter 45: The mission

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So, I was given a request to do a Conner X Reader because some of you actually really like Conner so I was thinking about it and decided I would. It will be called 'Do We Have To Be JUST Friends?...'. Just so y'all know and the first chapter is out...

Conner's POV

I woke up with mixed emotions about me and (Y/N)'s mission. I got dressed and walked to (Y/N)'s room. I saw her, half off her bed, with drool rolling down her face. Other than that, she looked peaceful. Awww, it's too bad... I thought. I ran and jumped onto her. "Oof!" She groaned and opened her eyes. How ironic? "Conner, ya batch!" She punched me in the arm. "Sweet, sweet revenge, baby!" I laughed as she pushed me off her waist. "You're an ass." She said, walking to get her clothes for today. I walked up to her and realized... We both need the bathroom for our morning routines... We looked at each other for a moment then both bolted to the bathroom. I cursed when she made it there first and shut the door. She didn't lock it though. I opened the door and started brushing my teeth. "Hey." (Y/N) said. "What? I'm brushing my teeth." I asked. "I was here first and I need to chaaange." She whined. "I'm almost done." I said. "Ugh." She groaned and walked back to her room to change. I smiled and finished brushing my teeth I knocked on her door and ran downstairs to eat breakfast.

Reader's POV

I got a knock on my door, signaling the bathroom was finally free. I went to the bathroom and finished my morning routine. After I finished, I went downstairs to Conner, Kid, Liz, and Patty. "We are finally all walking together." I said. "YAYYY!!!" Patty cheered. We walked out the door and started walking. "Are you excited?" Conner asked. "Sure, I mean, I get to kick some ass." I replied. "I should have expected that answer." Conner chuckled. I slowed and walked beside Kid. "I mean, yeah. I didn't get to kill dis boi right here, so..." I laughed. Kid looked at me as I laughed. "Excuse me?" Kid asked. Conner joined in, laughing. "I was joking." I replied as I pecked Kid on the lips.

~Le Time Skip to after school brought to you by: Hot Topic~

Still Reader's POV

I was waiting and waiting, and waiting, for Saga to finish her long lecture about being safe to Conner. Ugh... "I don't think I can let you leave my side." Kid said, walking up. "Kiiid, I've killed so many things. It's not like I'm going to hurt myself this one time." I complained. "...... Fine. But, if you get hur-." Kid started. "I won't get hurt." I said. Kid nodded and pulled me into a hug. I hugged back and kissed him. "...I'll see you when you get back." Kid hesitated. "Okay, bye~." I said. "Bye." Kid smiled and left with Liz and Patty. I turned back to Conner, who pecked Saga on the lips and they said goodbye. "Finally." I sighed and dragged Conner by the hand to the mission board. We looked for a while until we found one in a place called Glockson Village. "Three kishins... Working together..." I read. "Are you sure?" Conner asked, sweating. "I'm sure, but if you don't want to, it's fine by me to find another one." I said, looking at him weirdly. "No, no, it's fine." Conner replied. "Okayyy~." I said and went to the lady in the window to confirm the mission.

Conner's POV

While (Y/N) confirmed the mission, I regretted telling her it was fine. Baka! Three kishins! What if she gets cornered and turns out like Caleb!? While I was thinking about the possibilities, I didn't notice (Y/N) had walked back over. "Conner?" She asked. "... Oh, I'm sorry what?" I snapped back into reality. "I said, let's go." She replied. "Oh, yeah." I said and followed her out of the school and down the stairs. "Where even is Glockson Village?" I asked. "It's about 30 minutes from here." (Y/N) replied. "Ugh, okay." I sighed.

~Le Time Skip to Glockson Village brought to you by: The stupid New England Patriots that I hate so much! Gomen nasai~

Still Conner's POV

We finally made it to Glockson Village. It was completely run down. No one was there. "Conner, I want you to transform. I want to make sure we are ready." (Y/N) said. I nodded and transformed. (Y/N) ran a finger along my blade and smiled. "Just like the first day we met." She said. I smiled. She turned that smile into a straight face as she walked, cautiously, through the village. We searched and searched for signs of the kishins, but didn't find anything. Finally, we reached the very back of the small village and saw a little forest with a mountain behind it. (Y/N) started walking through the forest. We walked for about a minute when we were attacked by our first kishin. (Y/N) swung me at him and stabbed me into its stomach. "DIE MOTHERFUCKER!!!" She yelled in rage, laughing maniacally. Hey, at least I get to see her 'insane killer' side in action. I thought as she used her hand that's not holding me and stuck it through the kishin's chest. Holy shit... (Y/N) pulled her hand out and wiped it on the kishin's dying body. She even wiped my blade on the kishin's body. "Kanye not do that, (Y/N)?" I asked in disgust. "Whoops, sorry." (Y/N) chuckled. The kishin's body soon turned into a soul. I swallowed it and (Y/N) started walking again. When we made it to the foot of the mountain, we saw a cave. (Y/N) looked down at me and then back to the cave. She listened for a moment. All of a sudden, a kishin lunged out of the cave at (Y/N). (Y/N) jumped out of the way and the kishin fell on its face. She walked over and stabbed me through the kishin's back. It soon turned into a soul and I swallowed it. (Y/N) walked into the cave, looking around. We followed a long narrow path and eventually entered a large dimly lit part of the cave. There sat a giant kishin, eating an innocent human soul. I gulped. This is it. This could be my fear, waiting to happen. I thought as (Y/N) and the kishin charged at each other. (Y/N) sliced the kishin's chest. Although it didn't do too much damage, it sure as hell made it mad. It hit (Y/N) into one of the jagged walls. "(Y/N)!!!" I yelled. "I'm... F-fine." (Y/N) coughed out. I bit my lip and held my breath. I hate this... (Y/N) slowly got up and charged at the kishin again. She flipped over it and elbowed it in the back. It hit the wall, but got back up. (Y/N)'s (E/C) eyes flashed purple and black smoke emitted from her other hand. She stomped her foot on the ground and the kishin immediately fell. She smirked and ran at it she stabbed it. As it was dying it was about to make his final hit on (Y/N) but I quickly transformed and blocked her. "CONNER!!!" (Y/N) screeched. Next thing I knew, everything went black.

GOMEN NASAI!!! I haven't shown the real Saga this chapter yet. I am so dead when she sees it. But, surprise! It's the longest chapter!

Arachne's Daughter (Death The Kid X Reader) (ON HOLD)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora