Chapter 52: Please don't go...

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You're welcome, Saga... I thought this song would fit...

Kid's POV

"I can't... By myself?... No." I said as my father gave me a look. Or, at least, that's what I was imagining. "Kid, there is no one else strong enough." Father replied. "Okay, first of all, (Y/N), being trained all her life, and being a witch, is equally strong. Second of all, I'll... I'll do it. I'm not putting (Y/N) in that danger..." I said. "Great, kiddo! You may start whenever you're ready, but as soon as possible." Father said, clapping his hands and shooing me off. I walked back to class and sat back down in my seat, next to (Y/N). "What happened?" She asked. "I'll tell you after class." I replied. She nodded and grabbed my hand. (Y/N) put her legs on the desk and leaned against Conner, who was on the other side of her. She studied my hand, twisting my ring. She did this throughout the class and, after awhile, took both of my rings and put them on her own fingers. She shook her head and put them back on my fingers. "They look better on you." She giggled, giving me that cute, signature smile of hers. Class was over and we had walked to the front of the school when Sam showed up. She grabbed onto my arm, which pissed (Y/N) off... A lot... (Y/N)'s face was red with anger as she pushed Sam to the ground. "... Please, learn boundaries. I wouldn't do that if you would back off because you know he's taken." (Y/N) said, glaring down at Sam. "... Weak push..." Sam said softly and left, even though you could tell she was in pain. (Y/N) is strong. Mess with her and you're dead. She is the official female Shizuo. "Anyway, (Y/N). Father told me about a mission... It's about five hours from here... I'm the only one who can do it besides you... It...... It takes about a week or two..." I hesitated. "No... Don't go... Please don't go... If only you and I can do it, that's means it's really hard. Why can't I go with you to make it easier. What if you get hurt. Remember Conner? What I had to go through when I thought I lost him? Kid, please." (Y/N) begged, tears threatening to form in her eyes. "(Y/N)... What if I don't stop this witch and she moves on and gets stronger and comes here when we least expect it?" I asked. "Wait, it's a witch!? Kid... Don't go... I can handle it..." She replied. "No! I'm not letting you go!" I snapped. That's when her tears started to fall. I pulled her into a hug, holding her face to my chest to calm her crying. "When do you go?" She whimpered/asked. "My father said to as soon as possible and if I leave now, I could catch a train." I replied. She looked up at me. "I'm going to miss you so much." She whispered. "I'm going to miss you too." I said. I pulled her into a kiss, while wiping away her tears with my hands. "I love you." I said after we parted. "I love you too." She replied. "Smile for me." I said. She giggled and gave me one last hug. "Bye." She waved. "No goodbyes. See you soon." I corrected. "See you soon." She replied.

Reader's POV

Right after, and I mean right after, Kid walked down those steps, I burst into tears. I ran back into the school to see just who I was looking for. "Conner!" I yelled, tackling him. "Holy shit, (Y/N)! What's wrong!?" Conner panicked, helping me up. I wiped some of my tears away. "Let's go to the mansion first." I replied as we started waking. "Okay... Where's Kid?" He asked. "Shut the fuck up about Kid! That's what I need to talk to you about." I replied. "Oh... Sorry." Conner apologized. "It's okay... Where is Saga?" I asked. "She left while I stayed to talk to Stein. Boy, was it awkward? He gave me a slight glare the whole time. It is not easy dating the daughter of your teacher." Conner replied. I giggled. We soon arrived at the mansion and I immediately headed towards the kitchen to make tea. After I finished making the tea, I poured it into two cups and brought them to the couch where Conner was waiting. I handed a cup and took a sip of mine, resting my legs on his lap. "Okay, what happened?" Conner asked. "Kid has been sent on a really hard mission that he could die on and it's against a witch. He said that it will take about a week or two. I begged him to let us go, but he said he doesn't want to risk it." I explained. "Awe, I'm sorry." Conner said, pulling me into a hug. I buried my face in his chest, feeling the tears coming. "No, no, no. Shh." Conner cooed. Conner is an awkward one. He's not the best with comfort. He was awkwardly stroking my hair while I cried. I soon fell asleep, laying on him.

Conner's POV

I watched TV for awhile with (Y/N) laying on me. Then, I picked her up bridal-style and carried her to her room. I tucked her in and kissed her forehead before walking to my room. I sat on my bed and called Saga. I mean, it's been 'so long' since I've last talked to her. We talked for about an hour or two before I, myself, went to sleep. It's gonna be a long week or two...

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