Chapter 72: Forgiving?

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Reader's POV

I woke up with pain all over my body and bright light in my eyes. Once my eyes adjusted, I examined my surroundings. I was in a bed at the DWMA infirmary. I looked down and saw Kid sleeping peacefully, sitting in a chair with his head on the bed. I panicked slightly and got out of bed, I only to regret it as the pain of my injuries struck through me and I lost feeling in my legs. I fell and rolled onto my back. I saw my shirt on the table next to the bed and blushed, realizing I wasn't wearing a shirt. I put it on and crawled to the door. I quietly opened the door an crawled down the hallway. I felt dizzy and lightheaded. I stoped for a minute and laid down. I heard footsteps and panicked. I looked up to see Stein standing above me. "(Y/N), what are you doing?" He asked. "Escaping." I said quietly, not able to move my body. I was too weak. "No. you have to rest. You are very weak and your madness is on very high levels. You are not aloud to be alone anymore. Just a warning, it's not going to be easy. That's why Soul will help answer any questions you have and Kid will be by your side 24/7." Stein explained. My eyes widened as I started sweating. The madness I've sealed with before was bad enough... Stein picked me up gently, careful of my injuries. Right before he could open the door to the infirmary, it burst open with a worried looking Kid. "(Y/N) is go-" He started, but was cut off when he saw my weak state in Stein's arms. "(Y/N) was caught trying to leave. She couldn't though because she was too weak and fell." Stein explained. Kid stepped aside, allowing Stein to carry me back to the infirmary bed. "How long will she be weak?" Kid asked. "Probably a day or two. After that, she'll most likely be limping. She can start going on missions again in about a month. Obviously not alone, because of her madness levels. So, I cannot stress this enough, do not leave her side. It's too risky and dangerous." Stein ordered, before leaving the room once again.

Kid's POV

After Stein left, I walked over to (Y/N)'s bedside. I tried to hold her hand but she flinched and turned away. She's broken... I tried to stay strong as I sat down. "(Y/N), I don't expect you to forgive me. I realize how much I hurt you. How much I made you suffer. The fact that I made you want to end your life, made me understand that I should never had said those things to you. I shouldn't have raised my voice at you. And I definitely shouldn't have pushed you. I still love you and I always will no matter how much you most likely hate me right now..." I trailed off, looking down. "...I... don't hate you..." She replied, slowly sitting up and looking at me. "I know it wasn't your fault that you were upset, but I don't get why you acted like that. If you had loved me as much as you said you did then why? Like just a minute ago you said, 'I still love you and I always will no matter how much you most likely hate me right now'. If you loved me then why did you say that specifically. If you were mad then fine, but you called me a monster and pushed me. I still love you Death The Kid, but I don't know if I can forgive and forget right now." She continued, a single tear rolling down her cheek. I gave her a look of sadness as my heart broke on the inside. I nodded and stood up. I walked to the door and left. I made a mistake... I don't even know if she'll ever forgive me...

~Le Time Skip to the next day brought to you by: Mystic Messenger~

Reader's POV

I was still in the infirmary, obviously. I had just woken up and was bored as fuck. I have to stay like this for another day... I sighed dramatically and sat up. What to do... I was so bored until I heard the doorknob turn and I peeked up to see who it was so I wouldn't be alone. The whole gang walked in except for Kid. "(Y/N), we came to see how you're doing... and apologize..." Maka started, standing at the foot of the bed. "Yeah, I'm sorry I was so rude to you. I didn't know the whole story. I shouldn't have made assumptions." Liz continued. "I feel so uncool for how we treated you. Please forgive me." Soul said. "(Y/N), I really hope you feel better soon." Tsubaki spoke sweetly, smiling. I sat there, unable to speak as the room grew quiet. "Anika and I were unsure about the whole thing because Anika knew how mischievous your mom is, but even so I feel horrible for the fact we made you want to leave this world. If you were gone, I don't know what I'd ever do. Please don't ever leave." Alex said finally, looking me in the eye with a concerned and sincere face. Anika nodded as Saga and Natalie walked up. "Everyone has already said what we pretty much wanted to say... Um, anyway, you're one of my best friends. If you're dying, I'm dying with you so don't even think about doing that again!" Saga joked. Natalie laughed a little and nodded. "I feel the same way." She said. After, I smiled and laughed a little with them, Conner walked up next to me. I looked at him, a little nervously. "Words cannot explain how horrible I feel for what I said. I had just never thought that you could still be evil. I should've kept to that thought. I guess the thought of what happened to Caleb got the best of me, but I promise it will never happen again. We're in this together from now and forever. I'm sorry, (Y/N)." He said, hugging me gently. "I'm sorry but that was so cheesy. Anyway, it's fine. You are my partner after all. I couldn't get rid of you even if I wanted to. You're too clingy." I teased, laughing slightly. "We should probably get to class now..." Maka said, smiling a little. "Yeah, thank you guys for coming to see me." I responded. "Anytime." Maka replied before leaving with the rest of the gang. I was left alone in the room again. I sat and thought about Kid. I wish it didn't have to be like this... I want to forgive him somehow... I wish he was here...

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