Chapter 51: She's back...

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*cough* Samilia *cough*...

Reader's POV

It was the morning after the party and I was tired as fuck. I couldn't sleep the night before. I was too hyped up and was thinking about if I got a job, what it would be. "Kid... I think I want to get a job..." I spoke, still thinking about it. "Really? Do you know where at?" Kid asked as him, Liz, Patty, and I walked to school. "No idea..." I replied. "I'd be happy to help you look." Maka said, popping out of nowhere with Tsubaki. "Yay! Thanks... Where's Soul and Blackstar?" I asked. "They ran off somewhere." Tsubaki replied with her natural, sweet smile. I nodded. "Where's Conner?" Maka asked as we started walking up the stairs to the DWMA. "With Saga." I answered. "Why am I not surprised?" Maka laughed. We reached the top of the stairs to see a really, really unwanted face. This bitch is gonna wish she never saw me... "You..." I growled, speed walking towards her, but was held back by Kid. She smirked at me. "Who is she?" Maka asked. "Samilia/Sam. We met her at the grocery store. It's a long story, I'll tell you later." I replied, not once taking my glare off of Sam. "Why the hell are you here?" I asked through gritted teeth. "Can't a new student go to school on their first day?" Sam scoffed/asked. My eyes widened. "Yeah, actually, I'm out here because Lord Death told me that Kid would give me a tour... Alone..." She continued. I looked at Kid as if to say, 'did you know about this?'. He shrugged his shoulders. I walked up to Sam, slowly, and pulled her face-to-face with me by her shirt. "I'll let this one slide, but I'll have you know that Kid tells me everything and if I found out that you tried anything or said anything regarding him or me in a bad way, so help me, I'll kill you..." I threatened/whispered in her ear and pushed her back. I walked into the building with the others following except for Kid and Sam.

Kid's POV

Well... That escalated guickly... "Hey~, we are finally alone~." Sam chimed, winking at me. "Um, well then... Shall we?" I asked, walking ahead, into the building. She followed, walking right next to me. I had showed her a few rooms before the silence was broken. "Do you love (Y/N)?" Sam asked. "Yes, very much." I replied. "What do you see in her?" Sam questioned, looking down and clenching her fists, slightly. "There's just so many things to love about her. I saved her and I'm glad I did." I answered. "I hope to get to know you more, Kid. From the first time I ever saw you, I've loved you. It's been about three years. I've loved you before her, so why can't you love me?" Sam said, sounding slightly angry. "I'm sorry, but I don't think I've ever met you before the encounter at the grocery store." I said, confused. "Well, I've technically met you. You are like my idol. I've seen you fight, I've seen you with your friends, I've seen you play basketball, and dare I say, I've seen you with her." Sam explained. My eyes widened a little as I showed her a few more rooms. I didn't say anything other than telling her about the rooms and the school. She looked pissed throughout the whole tour. "She is rude. From what I've seen, she doesn't treat as good as I would have." Sam finally spoke at the end of the tour as we neared Crescent Moon. "I like the way our relationship and I don't need anyone telling us that's wrong." I said before walking past her and into the classroom. Sam has some problems. All I see from here is trouble and drama... I walked up the steps and sat next to (Y/N). She put her hand on my leg and I put my hand on top of hers. "Did she say anything?" (Y/N) asked, not taking her eyes of Sam. Sam was introducing herself in front of the class. "She told me how I was her 'idol' and how she is 'in love' with me." I replied. (Y/N) sighed. "You're not bursting in anger... Are you okay?" I asked. "Well, it's just, I can get mad but it's not gonna stop all those girls from liking you. You're bound to get stolen sometime, no matter what I do to try to stop it." (Y/N) replied looking down. "That's what you think. It won't happen though. I love you and only you. Forever and always." I said. She smiled and leaned her head on my shoulder. "I love you too." She whispered. I'm hoping this 'Sam thing' doesn't get too out of hand...

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