Chapter 58: Appointments

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This BEAUTIFUL speedpaint is by JarelGomez13 . I would like to thank her AND all of you guys for your love and support!........ SHE LITERALLY PUT SAGA'S LAST WORDS ON IT!!!


Reader's POV

Conner is such a wreck. It makes me feel worse about the whole thing, but I'm not going to worry him more by telling him that. Poor Conner... I had thought when I passed his closed bedroom door to go downstairs this morning. I had arranged to meet with Lord Death today. (This takes place the day after the funeral). Kid asked if I wanted him to go to, but I could feel that he was more demanding than asking. (XD). I just decided to let him go, knowing that he wouldn't want me walking alone. So, here we were standing in front of the door that led to the Death Room. "After you, my lady." Kid smiled, opening the door for me. "Well thank you, kind sir." I giggled walking down the pathway of guillotines with Kid following. He held my hand as we walked up the platform where Lord Death stood. "Heyo~! So, to my understanding, there is something you want to talk to me about, (Y/N)?" He greeted/asked. "Yes, sir. I have been having this weird feeling inside me ever since Saga died. It's not sadness or any emotion, but it's hard to explain. Like, maybe some sort of power, calling, or urge. I just don't know, so I came to you." I explained. Kid looked really concerned, but it makes sense because I didn't really get the chance to talk to him about it. "Yes, I see. I was even telling Stein about how I sense this power from you. Whatever it is, I don't even think your mother knows about it. I want you to make appointments with Stein. I think, with his help, we can figure out what's going on." Lord Death said. "He won't kill me, right?" I asked, holding Kid's hand tighter. "No, of course not." Lord Death replied, laughing a little. I sighed in relief. I usually wasn't scared if Stein, but I kinda was the cause of his daughter dying. "Well, if that's all, then we should get going." Kid said. "Yeah. Bye-bye, kiddos~!" Lord Death replied, waving. "Bye~." I waved back, following Kid out of the room.

~Le Big Time Skip brought to you by: Andy Black: The Shadow Side~

Still Reader's POV

It's been a few weeks since the death of Saga and the talk with Lord Death. The appointments with Stein have made some progress. Some. We know it has something to do with my connection with Saga. The urge/power keeps getting stronger everyday when I either think or talk about it. I was at Stein and Marie's house currently, for another appointment. Marie usually would either watch or just get bored and leave. Today, she wasn't even home because she was at the DWMA to talk to Crona. Stein started with his usual little tests like pulse, temperature, and blood pressure. "Have you been feeling like it's been getting stronger lately?" Stein asked. "Yeah." I replied. "Naturally, or when you talk/think about it?" He questioned further. "When I talk/think about it." "Hm, well... I think it also has to do with your witch magic inherited from your mother. I've come to a theory that when your father passed down his weapon genes to you, it got masked by your mother's dominant magic gene. That's why you are not a weapon like your father. So, I think you have a special power granted to you that your mother doesn't have because it was mixed with other magic genes and your father's. I don't know if it's because your father was a weapon, but that very well could be a possibility." Stein explained. I stared at him, taking in all the information. "So, in other words, I have a magic power that I inherited, but my mother and father neither know about it nor have it?" I asked. "I'm pretty sure. Now, we don't know fully if that's true or you just really miss Saga. But, the results I've been getting from the tests would make sense that my theory is right and you are very special when it comes to you powers and/or inheritance in general." Stein replied. "Okay, so... What would the power be?" I wondered aloud. "I intend to find out today. So, to start off. It has to do with Saga and her death. You've been upset about the tragedy and want to do something even though she is already gone......" Stein started. We sat in thought for a few minutes. "(Y/N), can you call Lord Death real quick?" Stein asked. "Yeah." I replied, pulling out a small compact I keep in my pocket in case I need to talk to Lord Death. "42-42-564, when ever you want to knock on Death's door." I said after I fogged up the glass. I wrote in the number and watched as the mirror rippled and Lord Death appeared. "Hiya, (Y/N)! How's it going?" Lord Death asked. "Good. Stein needs to talk to you, though." I said, handing the mirror to Stein. I couldn't really take the intensity of the fact that what ever this power is could just be as evil and gruesome as all the others and this would have all been for nothing and I would just be more dangerous/feared because of it. I stood up from the seat I was sitting in and stepped outside of the room while Stein talked to Lord Death. I helped myself to a glass of water in the kitchen and sat at the table. I cleared my mind by thinking of Kid and how he would still love me no matter what this power could be.

Stein's POV

"Wow, you came up with all of that in just a few weeks of tests and questions. That's great, but what is the other part you wanted to tell me?" Lord Death asked after I told him my theory and what I came up with. "Have you had any history in witnessing or knowing any reviving magic?" I asked. "... Yes... It's very rare though... Do you think (Y/N) has it?" Lord Death replied/asked getting really serious. "I'm pretty sure I mean, we came to the conclusion not long ago that it had to do with Saga and her death. I told (Y/N) about the genes she has and how that could have determined wether or not she had a very special power she was capable of." I explained. "That makes sense. The one way to be 100% sure is to get her to use the power. Try using your dead, dissected animals as a start. This is how to unleash the reviving power. Tell her to do this and we'll see if it works for her..."

I've been writing a new story. Although it's not published, and might not be for a while, I have been working on it a lot so I'm sorry if this update was really late❤️❤️❤️

Arachne's Daughter (Death The Kid X Reader) (ON HOLD)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora