Chapter 36: The play

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Before the chapter I would just like to thank you all for your support on this story. Even the quiet readers out there. This story has finally reached my goal of 1K reads!!! I'm not gonna give a full speech but I would just like to say that I come to Wattpad when I'm upset to read/write and it makes it even better to have you guys there for me also by reading this story. Thank you...

Reader's POV

I was walking to school with Kid. "Why did you come home late from school yesterday?" I asked. We weren't talking too much so I just decided to ask. "Have you seen those flyers around school?" Kid replied/asked. "Yeah, for the play right? I want to audition because of my love for acting and drama but I just can't find the courage. I mean, you know me and my fear of rejection." I said. "Oh please audition! Please, please, please!" Kid begged. "Why?" I asked. "My father said that he wanted me to be the lead male for the play because he wants to see me do acting again. I used to act, but then I stopped I don't know why." Kid explained. "I think that's adorable. Why do you want me to audition though?" I asked. "Because the female lead has to sing a song with the male lead but right before the song, they have to kiss." Kid replied. "Say no more. I. Will. Get. That. Part! No girl is kissing my man unless it's me! Especially because of all those fan girls you have that will be fighting for this part but I got it in the bag." I said with a new wave of confidence. That's a first. I thought. "Of course you got it in the bag. You are a great actor, I don't need to see it to know, and you have a beautiful singing voice, and you are very competitive. I know you can do it." Kid said, giving me more confidence with each word. "Thanks, babe." I said as I kissed him on the cheek. Right then, we arrived at class.

~Le Time Skip to the end of school for the day brought to you by: Andy Biersack's birthday not too long ago~

Still Reader's POV

Class was over and I grabbed Kid's hand. I started dragging him down the stairs, completely dodging our friends. I dragged Kid all the way to the drama room. There, I found two stacks of paper on a desk. One were the scripts and one were the flyers that were put all over the school. I grabbed one of each. The flyer was a beautiful mix of silver, gray, and white. It had the words 'Be Somebody' in bold at the top and had the audition and the production dates and times:


Monday-Tuesday: After school


Saturday: 7:00pm-9:00pm

Sunday: 7:00pm-9:00pm

It was Monday so I only had one day to practice. "Well... Shit." I mumbled. "It'll be okay. I know you can do it. Besides, you already know the main song that we have to sing together." Kid said, looking over my shoulder. "It's 'Be Somebody' by Thousand Foot Krutch, right?" I asked. "Yup." Kid replied. "How did you know I knew that song?" I asked. Kid froze. "... Um... I may or may not have... Um... Listen to you singing it in your room through your door..." Kid staggered, blushing. I playfully slapped his arm, slightly giggling. "I don't want to waste time. Let's just stay here and practice in the theatre." I said, walking out the door with Kid following. "Yeah." Kid replied. We entered the big theatre towards the back of the school and ran up onto the stage. I opened the script and gave it a little look through. I looked through the description of the characters and the play to get a feel of how it is supposed to be. The play is about a girl who moved to a new state and was really shy but met a boy who she became friends with and they grew feelings for each other. The boy also brought out the girls confidence that she never knew she had. I have to keep that last part in mind. Gee I wonder who's life this play is similar to? I thought, laughing quietly to myself. "Ready?" Kid asked. "Yeah." I replied. "Let's start from the scene with the song, since it's the most important scene. I closed my eyes and invisioned myself as a girl who is more confident than she used to be but has trouble confessing her feelings. "Cody... I just... Uh, well... I just wanted to let you know that I am really thankful that you helped me ever since I moved here whether it was with school or friends. You have been really special to me." I said, managing to force a tear to run down my face. "It was no trouble, really. I feel the same about you and I feel that I need to tell you... I-I... I love you, Alice." Kid replied, slowly walking towards me. When he was right in front of me he put a hand on my cheek and pulled me in for a kiss. I kissed back until we were interrupted by applause.

Marie's POV😱

I was walking the halls of the school. I had just finished with some work I had to do and I was getting ready to head over to Stein and Saga's. I am the director for the play this year and the work I just finished with was auditioning some ridiculous fan girls of Kid. Like, damn son. I walked by the theatre and heard talking so I decided to sneak in and listen, predicting that it was some more kids practicing for roles in the play. I creeped through the door and saw (Y/N) and Kid on the stage practicing the main scene in the play between the two leads. I was already told by Lord Death that Kid would be the male lead. I could tell that (Y/N) wanted the role badly because of her and Kid being together. I would love to make her the lead so far because she is doing great. She is even mustering up tears. The only reason that I don't know yet is that I haven't heard her sing and she hasn't auditioned...yet. I started clapping in the middle of their kiss. "That was absolutely great, (Y/N)! If you can bring that to the audition tomorrow and sing the song well then you just might have the part!" I said cheerfully. "Thank you." (Y/N) replied. "No problem. You have true talent." I said as I left the theatre. I think she is gonna get the part. I thought, smiling as I headed to Stein and Saga's.

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