Chapter 64: Best Friend's Brother

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This is Rave <3

Reader's POV

I opened the door to see a familiar pair of purple eyes. Rave........ I stood there for a minute, trying to comprehend the fact that he was right in front of me after all these years. "RAVE!!!" I exclaimed in happiness before jumping into his arms. He squeezed me in his arms and hid his face in my hair. After a few minutes of just enjoying each other's presence, I let go of him and pulled his face close to mine. I stared at his face with a smile. His face looked the same as it did the day he left, but a little more matured. "You look great! I can't believe you're actually here!" I squealed, happily. "I could say the same to you. You're as beautiful as I remembered." Rave replied, smiling. "Aw~! Staaawp~!" I laughed as Kid walked up. "So you're the one who was the cause of (Y/N) having a better life, huh. We won't have any problems, unless you hurt (Y/N) because if you do, I. Will. Kill. You." Rave warned, putting a death grip on Kid's hand. "Rave!" I said, punching him in the arm. "It's okay, I would except it. I would never dream of hurting you." Kid responded, holding my hand. This made Rave smile. "Alright, let's go see the others~!" I cheered, dragging him over to the rest of the group. "Hey, nice to see you again." Alex said, shaking Rave's hand. "Oh hey, you've been taking good care of (Y/N) while I was gone, right?" Rave asked. "Of course. As much as I can." Alex replied. I hugged Alex and kissed him on the cheek.

Saga's POV

As (Y/N) brought Rave over to the others, I could see his face more clearly and I couldn't help but stare. Rave is so hot... No Saga stop it!... I was so lost in my thoughts that I didn't see Rave was right in front of me. I blushed furiously, realizing I had been staring. "Hello, I'm Rave. Nice to meet you." He said, holding out his hand. "Oh, u-uh... Hi... It's nice to meet you to." I mentally cursed myself for stuttering but gave him a smile. He smiled back and laughed a little.

Conner's POV

I watched as Rave and Saga talked and laughed together. I looked over and even (Y/N) was watching them. She didn't seem too happy. She looked over at me with a sympathetic look. Then, she walked over and told Rave she'd show him his room before dragging him away from Saga. Thanks (Y/N)...

Reader's POV

"I'm just comprehending this... You and Alex broke up? But, he was so sweet and good to you." Rave said when we were out of sight from the others. "Rave, I'm sorry. I broke up with him because it became too much with all the stuff that had been going on and mother and father kept questioning why I left mysteriously all the time. I loved him and it hurt me to leave him, but now I love Kid and he has been loyal to me. He has been everything I ever wanted. I still love Alex, but now it's more of a best friend type of way." I sighed. "It's fine. That's seems reasonable and as long as you and Kid stay fine, I'll approve of it. I want to see what kind of boyfriend He is to you first." Rave said, putting his arm around my shoulders.

~Le Time Skip brought to you by: Family picking on you all the time for no reason like wtf I'm trying my hardest~

Still Reader's POV

After awhile of getting caught up, Rave went to the kitchen to talk with Kid. They've been talking for awhile now.... Seems... Suspicious... I shrugged it off for a bit and read Wattpad on my phone. Rave had told me he lived in an apartment with a well paid job, and had a few friends. He also had a girlfriend for a few months, but she cheated on him by sleeping with one of his few friends. That nasty hoe... After a few more minutes, Rave came back in. "Kid is making your favorite food." Rave said, sitting next to me. "See? Didn't I tell you? Kid is great." I laughed. "Yeah... Kid told me something..." Rave hesitated. "Yeah? And what was that?" I asked, arching my eyebrow. "You stood up to your bullies and then came back home, drying your tears so I wouldn't worry or suspect a thing. Why didn't you tell me earlier that you get bullied?" Rave questioned. "That sunuva betch..." I mumbled, falling back on the couch. "Well?" Rave had his arms crossed, waiting for my answer. "... Yes... I get bullied... But, I'm fine! I don't let it get to me... anymore..." I replied reluctantly, whispering the last part. "I won't make a big deal over it... Yet, at least. If it keeps happening and/or gets worse, I will get involved." Rave warned, hugging me. I rolled my eyes and laughed a little.

~Le Time Skip to school the next day brought to you by: A pissed off Conner (for upcoming reasons)~

Saga's POV

I walked into the classroom with Natalie to see Rave and (Y/N) talking to the gang and a few other students. "Wait, so do you have magic like (Y/N)?" I heard Oxford ask Rave as I walked up the stairs. "Yes but, unlike (Y/N), I got the weapon genes from our dad." Rave replied. They stared at him in awe. "Are you a chainsaw too, or nah?" I asked, walking up behind him. He turned and smiled. "Nope. I'm kind of like it though. I'm a sword that has the chains of a chainsaw around the blade." He responded. "Wow, that's so cool!" I said with a smile. "Thank you. Back when I was 10 and (Y/N) was 9, we were forced on missions and (Y/N) would go ballistic on the kishins, using me as her weapon because it was "more fun" than her magic." Rave laughed, looking at (Y/N). "What? Pshhh." (Y/N) said, playfully rolling her eyes. "That young?" I asked in disbelief. "Yup." Rave sighed. "Wait, I just realized... Why are you here? Not that I don't want you to be, because I do. Did you join the DWMA?" I asked, blushing a little for sounding ridiculous. "No... At least, not yet. I'm sitting in with the class to see what it's like, and if I might want to stay." He replied. "Oh, okay. If you need anything, tell me." I said, shyly.

~Le Time Skip brought to you by: Saga being a butt and ignoring poor little Conner for Rave... For shame... And Rave's weapon form~

 And Rave's weapon form~

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

Conner's POV

I was still a little upset and maybe... Jealous about Saga and Rave. I hoped to change that by asking Saga if she wanted to hang out... I wish I hadn't walked over... I walked slowly towards Saga and Rave, only to hear Saga ask him if he wants to go to Deathbucks with her. My heart broke. I turned around to see (Y/N) slightly annoyed, also looking at what was going down. She walked over to me and pulled me into a tight hug. "I'm sorry." She mumbled into my chest. "It's fine... It can't be helped..."

Arachne's Daughter (Death The Kid X Reader) (ON HOLD)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora