Chapter 66: A night under the stars

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Damn, I'm a poor excuse for a writer... I wouldn't have published this when I did if I didn't get inspired for future chapters, tho...


Reader's POV

After we arrived at the movies, we had gotten everything we needed and took our seats in the theater. The previews came out for new movies as we watched and got comfortable. "Okay, you've been hiding it this whole time, just tell me what movie we're watching." Kid said, smiling over at me. I turned to him and smiled back. "So, I know I'm not really into movies like this but this one just seemed good. It's called 'Me Before You'. It's supposed to be a sad movie, but we'll see about that." I replied, leaning onto his shoulder and holding onto his shoulder.

~Le Time Skip brought to you by: The fact that I won't spoil the movie because that's not how I roll, but I will say that it's really good and really sad~

Still Reader's POV

A few tears slowly ran down my cheeks. I quickly tried to wipe them away before Kid saw but, to my dismay, he was staring straight at me. The movie had just ended and it felt like daggers were ripping apart my heart. "You said you wouldn't cry." Kid teased, smirking. "Shut up." I growled, looking away. "Why? I think it's cute." He commented, leaning closer to my face. He put a hand under my chin, making me look at him with my blushing face. He leaned in a gave a short, yet passionate, kiss on the lips. "W-Whatever. Let's just go. We have more to do." I told him as we left the movie theater. I held his hand and dragged him along to our next destination. The restaurant wasn't to far. It was about a 5-10 minute walk. During the walk, Kid kept teasing me about how I was crying. He was saying it was 'cute' and 'adorable'. I blushed and denied everything he said as we entered the restaurant. When the hostess showed us our table and the waitress took our orders, we engaged in conversation. "Tell me about Rave and your relationship, before he left." Kid said, leaning on his hands in interest. "We were both of our best friends. I knew I could count on him and he knew he could count on me. That's the way it was all up until he left. I was never mad. I was the one who encouraged him to leave in the first place. Even, if I knew I'd miss him more than anything." I explained, thinking back to the happy times of our childhood when we would play together and laugh. "I'm glad that there was at least one person who could keep you happy then." Kid smiled, holding my hand. "Yeah. Well, enough about me. I wanna hear more about you~!" I chimed, smirking. "What do you want to know?" He asked. "Anything. Anything you feel I should know, or that is interesting and funny. It could be a story, or just plain facts about you that I don't know." I replied. "Hm... Well... There was my ex-girlfriend." Kid said, casually. "WHAT!?!?" I yelled/asked. A little too loud, I might add. People looked in our direction as I apologized. "Calm down, I'm kidding." Kid responded, smiling. "That was mean." I glared, turning to the side and crossing my arms. Kid kept laughing and trying to apologize, but I didn't give in. That is, until... "Looks like someone doesn't want a kiss~." Kid teased. I could feel him smirking. I smiled and turned to face him. I leaned over the table and put my hands on the sides of his face, pulling him into a kiss. Soon after that, the waitress came back with our food. We ate happily as we talked about random things.

~Le Time Skip brought to you by: My brother and I still bickering over him publishing my incomplete chapter -_- ~

Kid's POV

After we left the restaurant, (Y/N) dragged me off towards the outskirts of Death City. "(Y/N), where the hell are we going." I asked. "You'll see~!" She replied, smiling back at me. We approached a dark forest. "Are you sure about this?" I asked nervously for the fact we don't have our weapons with us. "It's fine, trust me. Are you a man or nah?" She teased, pulling me through a bunch of leaves. On the other side was a big hill. She pulled me to the top before laying down on her back. I looked at her in confusion. "Are you gonna join me or not?" She asked. I smiled and laid down next to her. She pointed up to the sky before asking, "Isn't it beautiful?" I stared up at the star filled sky in awe. Millions of tiny stars were sprinkled about the night sky. "Yes. It's very beautiful. But, not as beautiful as you." I replied to her question, smiling at her. "You're so cheesy." She snorted, grabbing my hand. "As cheesy as it is, it's true. I wouldn't suggest denying it. I'll just keep fighting until you realize. I'll tell you everyday if I have to." I told her, wrapping my arms around her waist. She turned to lay on her side, and wrapped her arms around my neck before giving me a passionate kiss on the lips. I kissed back. We stayed like that for a few minutes before pulling away and staring into each other's eyes. So beautiful... She snuggled up against my chest and looked back up at the stars again as I did the same.

Who knew that all of these happy moments would soon be gone........

Arachne's Daughter (Death The Kid X Reader) (ON HOLD)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora