Chapter 33: S-she is...

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Just so you know, I have never written a battle scene before so this will suck... Oh and I'm not in the best mood so I don't know how this will turn out...

Kid's POV

'Kenth'. The asshole who played (Y/N). I. Will. Kill. Him. I took my first few shots but he dogged each one. He crouched down behind the couch where (Y/N) was and started glowing red and black. He stood up, his red eyes glowing, spikes coming out of his back and arms. He had claws that were about a foot long and had a black fog like thing floating around him. He charged at me but I jumped over him, immediately turned, and started shooting. He fell to the ground. I laughed to myself but stopped when he got back up. He charged at me again, but this time I jumped to the side and he hit the wall. He turned and hit Liz and Patty out of my hands. They were across the room when Kenth raised his hand and was about to slash me with his claws. Right as he brought down his hand, I was pushed to the ground. I looked up and saw (Y/N), standing in front of Kenth, holding his wrist. She had a murderous look on her face as she dug her nails into his wrist. Purple and black mist floated around the room as spiders crawled up Kenth's arm and started biting into his skin. His eyes rolled back in his head as he fell to the ground. (Y/N) turned to me and she hung her head as she ran out of the house. I picked up the kishin soul that was just floating above where Kenth once lay. Why did (Y/N) run away? Did she feel bad? Does she think she is some sort of monster? She is not. S-she is amazing. I thought as I ran after her. Liz and Patty had transformed back into their human forms but didn't follow, knowing that we would be better off alone. It started raining, hard, I might add. I finally caught up to (Y/N). She was sitting on the edge of a bridge, with her feet dangling off, staring at the water. Her hair was a bit curled as she started getting more and more soaked in rain. But, for once, she didn't care.


(Y/N) and I were walking home from school when it started to rain. (Y/N) felt her wet hair as she dove for a nearby building. She started shaking her head rapidly as she started twitching. "(Y/N)!" I yelled as I ran over to her. "We have to stay here until the rain starts." She replied. "I can't stand the feeling of the rain." She said (A/N: This is literally me. I like the rain but not the feeling of it. It kills me. I'm not joking.). "Oh. Well, if it bothers you that much then we can stay here for as long as you need." I replied.

(Flashback over)

I walked up to (Y/N). "Are you okay?" I asked. Her eyes widened as she stood up to look at me. She tried to run but I grabbed her wrist. "Let me go." She demanded. "Not until you tell me what's wrong." I replied. "There's more than one thing wrong. First, you were right. I should have believed you. What kind of girlfriend am I? Second, you saw me. How horrible I am with my powers an all. I'm a monster. I could have easily stabbed him in the back with the needle but instead I had to let my anger control me." (Y/N) said. "You are not a monster. That was amazing, what you just did. It doesn't matter if you didn't believe me because 1. You went with your heart and stood your ground and 2. I know you still have trust issues and I need to respect that even if it takes a years. For you I would do anything, because I love you." I said, holding both of her hands. "I love you too." (Y/N) replied. She let go of my hands and wrapped her arms around my neck. I pulled her into a kiss. She kissed back. After a few minutes, we parted for air and I took my jacket off and draped it over her shoulders. "Let's go home. I know you don't like the rain." I said. Her eyes widened as she started to run with me following close behind. I love this girl. I don't know how she does this to me but I can't get enough.

A whole chapter in Kid's POV...

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