Chapter 54: Taken

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Conner and Saga are currently in a fight... (In real life)... I don't know what to do...

Conner's POV

It has been about two weeks since Kid, Liz, and Patty left for the mission. I was walking home with Saga. I was going to wait for (Y/N) but I figured she'd be walking home with Alex. We got close to Saga's house. "Okay, I'll see you tomorrow." Saga said before giving me a quick kiss on the lips. "See you tomorrow." I replied, walking back towards the mansion. I was closer to the mansion when I got pulled into an alley and slammed into a wall. I winced and brought a hand to my head. I looked up to see a man with a weird eye that said 'NoFUTURE' above it. Then, my eyes widened. It was the immortal wolf dude. (Y/N) and Caleb both told me about him. "You are Conner right? I'm Free." He said, walking up to me. "Oh, so you slam me into a wall and just talk like it never happened?" I glared, getting up. "I wouldn't talk like that to me. This is on (Y/N)'s life." Free spoke again. "What are you gonna do? You better not touch her!" I warned. "Oh, don't worry! I won't...... Yet." He responded. "What are you planning? What could you possibly want from (Y/N)?" I asked. "Me? I don't want anything having to do with (Y/N). I'm just supposed to get her weapon for someone." He replied as my eyes widened. I saw a girl with a weird hat, dressed in a polka dot dress walk up to me before everything went black.

Reader's POV

I was sitting at the mansion, with Soul, who had offered to walk me home since Conner would be with Saga and Kid wasn't home yet. The bandages that were once wrapped around my head are gone and now there is just a few bandaids. Soul told me he would stay with me until Conner got home. We played video games for awhile until I stopped and stared out the window. "What's wrong?" Soul asked. "Conner should've been home by now." I replied. "Try calling him." Soul suggested. I pulled out my phone. No answer. I shook my head and grabbed my jacket. "Where are we going?" Soul asked, following. "To Saga's. He might have stayed for awhile and his phone died or something." I hypothesized. Soul nodded. We started running but I immediately stopped when my phone rang. Soul stopped and turned to me. I answered the phone. "(Y/N)?" The voice asked. "Kid? Oh my... Kid!?" I jumped up and down. "(Y/N), I was just calling to tell you that we are on our way home and the mission was a success." Kid said. "YES!!! I missed you SOOO much!" I pretty much yelled through the phone. "I missed you too!" Kid laughed. "Okay, well I'll see you soon. I love you!" I chimed. "I love you too." Kid said before hanging up. I put my phone away and bounced around squealing. "I'm guessing Kid's on his way?" Soul asked. I nodded in excitement and hugged him. "Hold up. We have important matters to take care of right now." I said and started running again with Soul following. My lunges burned and my legs grew tired as we neared Saga's house and I picked up the pace. I rang the doorbell about eight times, not wanting to waste time. "Damn, (Y/N)." Soul said, finally caught up. Marie opened the door and smiled. "(Y/N), Soul, what brings you two here?" She asked. "Is Conner here?" I asked, getting more and more nervous. "I don't think so. I'll get Saga to make sure. Please, come in." Marie replied, leaving the room. Soul and I sat on the couch, waiting. Saga, soon, came down the stairs with a worried face. "You can't find Conner?" She asked. "No. We were hoping he was with you." I replied, clenching my fists. Dammit, dammit, DAMMIT!!! "Did he ever get home?" Saga asked. "Nope, but what we need to do is talk to Lord Death." I responded. They nodded and we left, on our way to the school. "(Y/N), I didn't want to say anything at first, but why do you have bruises all over your neck?" Soul asked. Son of a bitch... I tried to come up with a lie but couldn't find one. "Um... I-I- um... Nothing..." I stuttered. "Aw hell nah! I'm not falling for that shit! Tell me!" Saga whined. "I got in a little argument with Sam but it's okay now." I sighed as we walked into the Death Room. "Hiya, (Y/N), Saga, Soul. What brings you three here?" Lord Death greeted/asked. "Sir, we don't know where Conner is. He's missing." I replied. "Oh dear... (Y/N), has Arachne or anyone else been after you lately?" Lord Death questioned. "Kid and I had trouble with a kishin once, and the kishin said that his job was to take me to Medusa who needs me for something. My mother hasn't done anything that I know of yet." I replied. Lord Death thought for a moment. "I fear its Arachne or Medusa. Until we know, (Y/N) must have eyes on her at all times. Kid is on his way and should be here any minute. Saga, go home and talk to your dad and Marie. Soul, take (Y/N) to the mansion and wait for Kid. I'll tell Maka and send her over there also, just in case." He announced before shooing us off.

~Le Time Skip brought to you by: Eren's birthday!!! It's today!!!❤️❤️❤️~

Still Reader's POV

We arrived at the mansion about twenty minutes ago. Maka had just arrived. "(Y/N), I'm so sorry and I plan to be as much help as I can. We can find Conner." She said before sitting on the couch. "It's okay, thanks." I responded before looking out the window. I heard faint yelling in the distance. Holy muthafuckas it's Patty! I opened the door as fast as I could and ran towards the yelling. Then, I saw them. I don't think Kid realized anything when I jumped into his arms and he looked creeped out as fuck. (Gomen, I'm watching Twaimz). "I missed you sooo much!" I cried into his shoulder. "(Y/N), it's okay. I'm here now. I missed you too." Kid said.  I pulled him into a kiss before he could say anything else. Patty started fangirling. "Hey, we're okay too!" Liz complained. Kid and I parted and I smiled. "Sowwy." I said in a baby voice and hugged her. Then, I hugged Patty, who almost killed me in the process. "We have to get inside. We need to talk about something important." I said, dragging them into the mansion. Soul, Maka, Liz, Patty, and Kid all said hi and everything before sitting down to talk. "What the hell?" Kid asked, tackling me on the couch. He gently rubbed his fingers on my neck, over the bruises. Shit... "What is this? What happened? Holy shit, why do you have bandaids on your head?" Kid questioned. I sighed. "I'll tell you later. There is more important things to take care of right now."

Arachne's Daughter (Death The Kid X Reader) (ON HOLD)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora