Chapter 62: Jobs, relationships, and letters

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Reader's POV

"Where can I apply for a job?" "Oh, hello there. Uhhh... Here's an application and a pen. Once you are done filling it out, you can come back over here and I'll bring you to the manager." The nice lady at the cash register replied, handing me a form and a pen. I smiled and thanked her, walking to a table.

Saga's POV

I feel bad I don't remember Conner too much other than why I died, but I had to admit that he is funny, kind, and super cute, if you ask me. He explained the full story of what happened and so I understand now, but I still don't think I can just be his girlfriend without remembering more about him. "Alright, I have to go. Natalie wants me home as soon as possible because she wants to hang out with her 'beloved meister'." I laughed a little as I stood up. "Oh, I'll walk you." Conner offered, standing up also. "That would be perfect." I said, smiling. "And... would you... Maybe, like... to hangout again sometime?" He asked. "No, I would not... I would love to." I smirked as a big smile appeared on his face before saying, "Anything for you."

Reader's POV

I soon arrived back at the mansion with a confident and proud smile on my face. I walked in to see Kid on the couch. He was holding an envelope. "Kiddo~! I got the job!" I cheered, running over to give him a hug. "Good job! I knew you'd get it." Kid smiled, pecking me on the lips before looking down at the envelope. "What's that?" I asked. "It came in the mail... It's for you..." Kid replied, handing it to me. "What? Who would send me a letter?" I wondered aloud, opening the envelope as neatly as possible for Kid's sake. It was a piece of paper that read:

Dear (Y/N),

It's been so long since I've last spoken to you, let alone sent you a letter. I'm just letting you know that I want to see you again. I heard you're good now. I'm glad you finally got some sense knocked into you. And, you're dating Lord Death's son!? You're insane, just like I've always remembered. I'm deciding to join the DWMA, given that I'm a weapon AND that I'd get to see you everyday. I don't live too far from Death City. If I choose not to join the DWMA like I never really wanted to, then I could probably still move to Death City so I can be with you for as long as we've got left. Anyway, write back, text, or call and tell me your thoughts. Here's my number: (insert random number). Sorry if this whole thing came as a shock to you. I just miss you. See you soon (hopefully).


I kept looking over the name. That name... Oh, I remember it alright... I kept staring at the letter. I could feel Kid's gaze burning into me. He was waiting to see why I was taking so long to speak. I wanted to. I wanted to cry, laugh, smile... I wanted to just react, but I couldn't. I couldn't move for some reason. I was either too happy, or too shocked. My lips twitched into a smile before everything started to blur and I fell into darkness.

Conner's POV

"See you tomorrow. It was fun getting to hang out with you again." I said after we arrived at Saga's house. "Same here. You should sit next to me in class tomorrow so I can 'remember' you more." Saga replied hugging me. I hugged back. I did not want to let go, but I had to. I let go and waved before walking away and heading to the mansion. After a while of walking, I arrived at the mansion. I walked in to see (Y/N) past out on the floor and Kid panicking, trying to wake her up. "Woah, woah, woah! Kid, what happened!?" I asked, rushing over. "She got a letter in the mail and then fainted after reading it. It says it's from someone named Rave. Here. Read it." Kid replied, handing me a piece of paper. As I read through it, Kid carried (Y/N) to the couch and left to the kitchen. When he came back, I handed him the paper. He was holding a wet rag. He put it on (Y/N)'s forehead and sat beside her. After a few minutes, (Y/N) started moving and soon sat up. "(Y/N), are you okay?" I asked, walking towards her. "Uh... Yeah, I guess. What happened?" She replied/asked. "You read the letter and fainted." Kid answered, motioning towards the letter he had set on the coffee table. "Oh..." (Y/N) said, slightly smiling. "Who's Rave, (Y/N)?" Kid asked.
"My........ M-my brother..."

Oh lord (DeathXD), my chapters seem to be getting shorter and shorter. I'll change that in the next chapter.


Arachne's Daughter (Death The Kid X Reader) (ON HOLD)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora