Chapter 10: Back to (Y/N)'s mother... Or naw

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Liz's POV

The girls and I ran after (Y/N) until we were able to reach her at a dead end, in an alley. She held out her hand, ready to use her powers if we got any closer. "Get. Back." (Y/N) said through clenched teeth. "(Y/N), let's just talk for a minute." I replied. "I only got a minute. I have to get back to mother and father." She said with tears running down her cheeks but her eyes were filled with anger. "There has to be some explanation, I've known Kid for so long and I know that he is loyal. He is especially loyal for you. He loves you, trust me I know he tells me all the time, and I mean ALL the time." I said. "Then why would he do that, huh?" (Y/N) countered. "Let's think about it for a minute. What did you see first when you got downstairs?" I asked. "I saw Soul and Blackstar fighting and Conner was flirting with a girl all drunk-like." (Y/N) said as Saga frowned. "(Y/N), they were drunk." I said. She lowered her hand and thought. Her eyes widened. "SHIT!!!" She ran back to the mansion, with us following. When we got there, she kicked open the door with anger in her eyes and dried tear staines on her cheeks. Her hands were in fists as she stomped to where Conner was, now awake (not drunk anymore if that is possible). Conner's eyes widened and he ran as (Y/N) chased after him. The chasing went on for a while, occasionally yelling cuss words, until (Y/N) finally caught him by his collar and brought him to her, not once letting go of his collar. "WHAT THE HELL DID I TELL YOU ABOUT DRINKING, LET ALONE DRAGGING YOUR FRIENDS INTO IT!?!? THANKS TO YOU I ALMOST WENT BACK TO MY MOTHER BECAUSE I THOUGHT KID WAS CHEATING!!! I SAW HIM KISSING ANOTHER GIRL BUT I DIDNT KNOW HE WAS DRUNK!!!" (Y/N) yelled. "I'm sorry, (Y/N), it's just that it's what guys do. Would it make you feel better if I said that guys are over impowered even though girls have to go through all the pain?" Conner asked. "A little bit. Now, all you get, is a slap in the face." (Y/N) replied. Wow she means business. I thought. "Ugh. Fine." Conner groaned. She let him go and slapped him hard in the face. He held his cheek as Kid walked in (also not drunk anymore). "What happened?" Kid asked. "I don't want to talk about it." (Y/N) said and walked to her room. "Well, you and the boys came home with four girls. You guys were being loud so (Y/N) came down to investigate, with us following a little afterwards, and saw Soul and Blackstar fighting, Conner flirting, and you were making out with a girl you brought home. (Y/N) called you a 'son of a bitch' and ran out of the mansion. You just got lucky we found her and talked to her. Thank death we found out you were drunk, so she almost murdered Conner." Saga explained simply. Kid's eyes were wide and you could actually see an emotion in his eyes. Sadness.

Kid's POV

I'm the most stupid, asymmetrical, asshole ever! I thought as I ran upstairs to (Y/N)'s room. I knocked on her door. "Come in." I heard (Y/N) reply. I walked in to see her holding her locket with a picture of her, her mother, and her father, smiling evilly at the camera. "Listen, (Y/N), I'm so sorry, I'm a stupid, asymmetrical, asshole and I don't deserve a smart, symmetrical, beautiful girl like you." I said, worried she'd reject me and go back to her parents. "It's okay, Kid, you are not a stupid, asymmetrical, asshole. Conner just got you drunk, it's not your fault." She said. "Oh thank death, and I will never drink again." I said and sat next to her on the bed. "What are you looking at?" I asked. "The last family picture I have." She replied. "I just miss them. But I'm definitely not going back." She smiled as a tear slid down her cheek. "(Y/N), I just want you to know that I love you, no matter what, and if you ever think different, come talk to me because I assure you that I do." I said, randomly. "Okay, I will. I... I love you too." (Y/N) replied. "Okay, I'm going to bed." I stood up but felt (Y/N) grab my wrist. "Please stay with me." She said, blushing. "O-okay." I replied. And we layers down next to each other and fell asleep with our arms around one another.

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