Chapter 71: All my fault...

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I think I probably used this picture before but who gives a fuck...

Kid's POV

I left the room while Stein took care of (Y/N). I leaned back against the wall and slid down. "I hope she's okay. I feel horrible about how we treated her." Maka said, looking down. "Yeah, it was really uncool..." Soul trailed off. "You guys didn't even hear what I said to her. I'll never be able to take that back..." Conner told us. "Me either." I replied to him, finding a new interest in the floor. The rest of the gang stayed silent and gloomy while we waited in unbearable anticipation. There's no telling whether we'll ever see (Y/N) alive again...

~Le Time Skip brought to you by: Joining a cult on my birthday omfg😂😂😂~

Stein's POV

I wrote down some information on a clipboard before walking back over to (Y/N)'s unconscious figure. She was still really pale, but she was going to survive. There were some... problems though, I guess you could say. She was still shirtless so I laid a plain black shirt on a table next to her for when she wakes up, if she's uncomfortable. I was about to walk out the door to tell them they could see her when Rave burst in, out of breath. "Where is she?" He asked. I motioned over to where the pale, (H/C) haired girl was passed out on one of the infirmary beds. He rushed over and held onto one of her hands. "She... she's going to be okay, right?" He asked, voice cracking slightly. (A/N: Keep in mind that Rave pretty much has never cried. Only when he was a baby and when he left (Y/N) for the first time). The rest of the group came in and surrounded (Y/N). "She should be okay, but as for right now, she's very weak. The wolf kishin you guys told me she was attacked with had black blood. When the wolf bled, it seeped in with (Y/N)'s blood. Therefore, there is a high chance that (Y/N) will be going through high levels of madness. Higher levels than (Y/N) has ever dealt with in her entire life. The reason I say that is because I tested a sample of her blood, now that it has been mixed with a kishin's black blood, it doesn't look to end well for her." I explained. Everyone looked at me in shock. "What can we do to help her?" Conner asked. "Now I'm no mind reader, but I don't think she'll be too mentally stable so she won't be too comfortable around most of you. Kid, even if this is the case, she's going to need you to help protect her from the madness at all times so stay with her. Soul, you've dealt with black blood before so you need to give her advice and answer all the questions she may have. Any questions?" I replied/asked. Everyone shook their heads except for Kid. "If she does react how you said she would, do you think she'll ever look at me the same?" He asked, looking at (Y/N)'s sleeping figure with a scared expression. That had to of been the first time I've ever seen him so scared. "I wish I knew, but that's up to her." I responded, leaving the room to report to Lord Death.

Kid's POV

I really fucked up this time... she may. Ever be the same and it's all my fault... I switched my gaze from (Y/N) to the floor as tears filled my eyes. All my fault... I let the tears fall from my eyes as I sat next to (Y/N). Her (H/L), (H/C) strands of hair slightly covered her extremely pale face. I looked up and saw Rave with tears freely streaming down his face. "She could be dead right now. That kishin could have easily took her soul. Then... she wouldn't be here right now... but... she is... Kid, I definitely won't act like you didn't say to her what you did, or that you didn't push her, but I want you to know that this wouldn't have happened if it weren't for my mother. So, don't attack yourself too much over this because she's gonna need you there as much as she can get..." he said, looking me in the eye. I couldn't say anything so I just nodded. After awhile of sad silence throughout the room, everyone started leaving until it was just Rave and I. "I'm gonna go. Please stay with (Y/N), just in case she wakes up." Rave said, walking to the door. "Of course. I planned to anyway." I replied. He gave a slight smile before leaving. It was just (Y/N) and I. "(Y/N), I know you can't here me but I just wanted to tell you... I'm so sorry that I raised my voice at you. I'm sorry that I said what I said. I'm sorry that I pushed you. I'm sorry that I made you feel so bad. Most of all, in sorry that you might never love me again because, no matter what, I will always love you. It wasn't your fault, it was mine. It was all my fault... All my fault... Anyway, I love you so much so please... Don't hate me..." I said, crying into my hands. Once I calmed down, I gave her one last look before laying my head down on the bed, holding her hand, and falling asleep.

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