Chapter 74: Clowns

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Reader's POV

I woke up to a dark room and a worried Kid hovering over me. "(Y/N), you're finally awake. How do you feel?" He asked, laying a hand on my forehead. "Eh~... I don't know. I have a bit of a headache... What the hell happened?" I questioned, sitting up to see I was on the DWMA ballroom floor. Then, it all rushed back to me. The party, the lockdown... the clowns... "K-Kid... I'm scared..." I mumbled, hugging him. "Never thought I'd hear you say that. Don't worry we won't let anything happen to you. You're too precious." Alex said, popping out of nowhere and kneeling next to me I turned and gave him a hug too. That's when I heard loud thuds on the doors. My heartbeat sped up as I started hyperventilating. Stopstopstopstopstopstopstopstop!!! I screamed in my head as I held my face in my hands. Kid kept rubbing my back and whispering calming things in my ears. "(Y/N). (Y/N), listen to me. You're going to be okay. We are here for you. See all the meisters and weapons in this room? They won't let those things in here. Do you need Conner?" Kid assured/asked. I nodded. He called him over and he kneeled in front of me.

(A/N: HOLD THE FUCKING PHONE!!! I fucking forgot about Rave! I'm a MONSTER!!! Hey, that makes me even more of a Shizuo clone. I'm perfectly fine with that...

Anyway... Rave... Let's just say he wasn't feeling good and stayed home. Sound good? Okie then~, ON WITH THE STORYYY~!!!)

Conner's POV

I laughed as Saga told me about how, if one of those clowns got in here, she would "karate chop its head off". That's when I heard Kid calling my name. I turned towards him and saw (Y/N) having a panic attack on the floor next to him. I quickly ran over when she looked up at my with tears streaming down her face. I kneeled in front of her and held her in a hug. "It's the clowns, huh?" I asked. She nodded and held onto me tightly. That's when I saw Kid wig a look of determination. He got the attention of a terrified Liz and a laughing Patty and left the ballroom. I kissed (Y/N)'s head and thought to myself that this could be a moment I fully redeem myself for what I said to her. (A/N: Conner is still beating himself up over what he said to you because he hasn't really ever said something like that to someone. Why? Because he is a sweetheart even though he doesn't seem like it all the time). I pulled away from (Y/N) a little to look her in the eyes. "You will be okay because I swear on my life I will be here to protect you and I will not let you get hurt anymore. I'm still really sorry about what I said and I need to redeem myself to you because I love you that much. You and Saga are the best thing that has ever happened to me after Caleb died." I said, hugging her again. "You d-don't need to redeem y-yourself... I w-will always forgive y-you... no m-matter what." (Y/N) whispered softly. That made me smile as I hugged her tighter. "Wait. Where's Kid?" (Y/N) asked suddenly. "Uhhh..." I hesitated. "Conner, where's Kid?" She asked again. "He... uh... he left with Liz and Patty..." I trailed off. "What!? Conner, we have to go." (Y/N) told me, quickly getting up and rushing to the doors. I beat her there and put my hands on her shoulders. "(Y/N), I don't know if you can handle it. You aren't even aloud to go on missions yet. We don't know how many are out there." I warned.

Reader's POV

"Exactly, we don't know how many are out there. We have to help Kid." I said, pushing past Conner. He sighed and followed. Right when I opened the door I saw blood. In the middle of the blood covered floor and wall, was a lifeless Kid. Two clowns stood above him and started coming towards me I stared in terror and was about to scream when Conner shook me and it was all gone. Madness... "You okay?" Conner asked. "Yeah... I'm fine..." I assured, walking again. I held my hand out as I speed walked down the hall, towards the doors. Conner transformed and I caught him with ease, swinging him around a bit to get used to it again. I haven't been on a mission in a long time and I'm not supposed to be on any for a month still. We reached the doors and walked out to see Kid shooting at a group of clowns. He turned and saw us. "(Y/N), go back inside!" He yelled over the gunshots. It took a few shots before they actually died and were replaced with a... kishin soul? "THESE THINGS ARE KISHINS?" I screamed/asked. "Just go back inside!" Kid demanded. "No, Kid! It's you and me in this together! This is dangerous!" I yelled back. "Then get someone else! You're not supposed to be going on missions!" Kid reminded, kicking one of the clowns in the stomach. "Here we go again! I'm fine!" I rolled my eyes. "Are you sure about that?" Conner asked, mimicking John Cena (A/N: Yes, I just went there...). "I agree with Conner! Just go back inside!" Seriously?... I rolled my eyes in annoyance and stomped back inside. I through Conner into the wall in anger. "Okay, ow." He said, transforming back. "Sorry, Conner. I just wish I was useful. I just wanted to prove that I can overcome my fear... for Kid... He always has to protect me. Before I became good, I could easily take care of myself. I could make most kishins bend to my will and suffer. Now... I'm just pathetic..." I trailed off, looking down. "(Y/N), don't say that. You are still so strong. It's just hard now. Your mom is super powerful and is after you. You don't have to be strong all the time. We will all still love you. You've never been useless. Remember all the things you've done for this school? Starting with the fact you finished off Medusa once and for all. We couldn't do that without you. Please don't say that about yourself." Conner said, hugging me. "Thanks, Conner. I should probably talk to Kid and tell him how I feel. It's only fair." I responded as we entered the ballroom again. Conner ruffled my hair and laughed a little. "Anytime you need me, I'm here. Always." He said. I smiled. That's when Kid came back in and locked eyes with Kid. Here we go...

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