Chapter 1

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hi! :) i've already completed this book since i wrote it months ago but i only got the guts to post it up now! it's my first time writing and actually completing a book., so critic gently xD im still a newbie to this whole writing thing! :D 

but anyways, enjoy!


Chapter 1


I rolled over and hit the snooze button again, groaning I turned away, I wanted to stay in my cocoon of blankets forever. The party had kept me up all night, not to mention all those drunken men barging into my room asking for sex, I wanted to pound each and every one of them to death.

But just as sleep was about to overtake me my alarm rang out loud and clear. UGH. I flung away my blankets and bashed the snooze button for the sixth time.

‘’gee, shut up,’’ I muttered under my breath.

After taking a shower I felt more like a human, I sifted through my clothes humming softly. I still had 15 more minutes, after picking out a baggy t-shirt and jeans I brushed my hair in a tight ponytail then made my way downstairs.

The house was a wreck, there were empty alcohol bottles lying around, furniture’s were turned over, and just walking by the guest toilet I could smell vomit. My father was passed out on the couch, a beer bottle on his shirt and beer dribbling out slowly.

‘’dad,’’ I hissed as I shook his shoulders. ‘’dad,’’ I said again. There was nothing.

His snores simply escalated and he seemed to shift into a deeper section of dreamland. I rolled my eyes. I checked his work timetable which was on the fridge; luckily he didn’t have to work today. I’ll call him at lunchtime.

After drinking a cup of milk and munching on a banana I packed my bag and left the house. I’d tidy the house when I got back from school; it wasn’t the first time anyways. I caught the bus and arrived to school with 10 minutes to spare. I was at my locker getting my books when Grace appeared.

‘’Morning,’’ she greeted smiling.

‘’Hey,’’ I replied happily as I grabbed my books.

‘’You look horrible,’’ she said inspecting my face up close.

 I don’t wear makeup, never did, never will, that’s why my eye bags and pale skin were always so obvious. But, nobody cared anyways, everybody hated me.

‘’I know,’’ I sighed.

‘’Same thing?’’ Grace asked in sympathy.

She was the only person that knew about my family, she only knew as much as my dad’s parties and my mother’s death. But everything else was hidden from her. I didn’t want to burden my best friend or see my friend’s pitiful expressions.

I nodded curtly then slammed my locker shut.

‘’All will be better, I promise,’’ she comforted as she hugged me gently.

‘’I know,’’ I said softly.

‘’I’ll meet you at lunch ok?’’ she smiled.

I nodded then after waving we parted ways. It sucked that we had different lessons in the mornings, but at least we were together after lunch. I walked to my class still trying to stifle a yawn from escaping my mouth.

My old best friend from when we were babies walked past me, his head was high and he had his crowds of followers behind him. He looked down at me and smirked.

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