Chapter 34

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Chapter 34


Chris returned, after pounding me and getting all the anger out he finally got bored.

‘’do you Miss Blakey boy?’’ he jeered. ‘’I’m sure your boyfriend’s already doing another girl,’’

My heart clenched.

‘’ you’re not even all that important,’’

My jaw tensed.

‘’you’re ugly and stupid, why would anybody want you?’’ he mocked.

My hands were curled into fists.

‘’don’t worry, I already got Owen to check, he saw him and another girl making out in the park, he’s not even worried about you. See this shows how little people care about you,’’ he spat out.

This time I couldn’t take it anymore, I bolted up and tried to hit him across the face, but my hands were locked and so was my body. I thrashed and battled but it just made my body ache more.

He grabbed me by the arm it was so quick and fierce and pulled the wrong way I heard the crack of my shoulder. Pain shot up my arm and I knew my shoulder was dislocated.

‘’you’re better off dead,’’ he hissed.

Then he kneed and kicked me hard in the stomach and lungs, I gasped. All the air left my body, when I tried to breathe an agonizing pain just shot up my body, I couldn’t even breathe. I choked then everything turned black yet again.


Oh fuck when I said I wanted her dead, I didn’t mean it literally, now she was lying on the floor having trouble from breathing, I could see the cracking of her lung bone and her swollen bruised stomach.

‘’now you’ve killed her, fucking great,’ Owen snapped.

‘’shut up, she’s not dead,’’ I replied hotly

But deep inside I was scared she actually was.

‘’just check her pulse,’’ Paul said leaning against the wall not seeming to be bothered.

‘’Owen,’’ I said nodding my head towards her.

He stooped down next to her naked glowing bloody body, he pressed his fingers to her neck.

‘’yeah there’s pulse, but barely,’’ he said as he stood up.

‘’let’s just dispose of her back in the park,’’ Paul suggested.

‘’why?’’ Owen asked.

‘’if we leave her here we’re basically calling the cops on us, just bring her back tonight, leave her there. No one will suspect it’s us,’’ Paul said rolling his eyes.

Annoyed that he had come up with it I gritted my teeth. ‘’yeah ok, we’ll do that tonight, for the time being make sure her pulse doesn’t stop,’’ I said before leaving and banging the door shut behind me.


The police was back, they still hadn’t seen signs of her. Nobody had seen her; it was almost like she had disappeared off from the face of earth.

‘’is there anybody that hates her or would do anything to harm her?’’ the officer asked for the third time.

‘’her father’s abusive, that’s why we took her in. but he’s locked up in jail,’’ dad said.

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