Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

The weeks went by fast, soon the streets were filled with bright lights, trees, tinkles, baubles, cheerful music and the atmosphere was easy and light as everyone was excited for Christmas. The shops were filled with decorative accessories, the shopping mall was packed full of happy kids, adults and teenagers, the tv showed gazillions of different Christmas adverts, once you turned on the tv, you couldn’t help but feel happy because the music was so cheerful. The wind had picked up and it had gotten a lot chillier, it was obvious that it was going to snow soon and I felt nothing but glee.

‘’Come on Ellie! Hurry up or else I’m leaving without you!’’ Blake shouted up the stairs sounding impatient.

‘’Ok ok! Chill out, it’s the last day of school!’’ I yelled back down.

‘’That’s exactly why we need to be on time! I don’t need to be late for a third time and get a Christmas detention!’’ Blake hollered.

‘’Just give me two more minutes!’’ I shouted.

‘’What the hell are you doing up there?’’ Blake shouted.

‘’I’m a girl, give me a break!’’ I yelled.

I wasn’t putting on makeup, hells no, that was not something I did, Hanging out with Blake had given me a lot of attention, there were even some silly rumours about us dating which frankly just made me laugh. Grace and I had agreed to go as red and green as possible just to fit the Christmas celebration. After inspecting myself in the mirror one last time, I picked up my bag and ran down.

I had my blonde hair curled, I was wearing a red and green striped sweater, it was quite clingy so it showed that I wasn’t completely shapeless and that I didn’t own a body of a 8 year old boy. I wore denim jeans and put on a knitted red and white beanie, it had red reindeers dancing on it and two plaited strings hanging down, it kept my ears and head snug and warm. I wore dangly green Christmas tree earrings, reindeer necklace and a bracelet with a cute small Santa on it. Then afterwards I slipped on my uggs to keep my legs dry and warm. Everything I wore screamed Christmas.

Blake was standing at the door tapping on his phone looking impatient, when he heard my loud footsteps he turned up and scowled. ‘’Finally!’’

I smiled sweetly at him and waited for him to open the door since he was standing right in front of it.

‘’Hell no sweetie I am not letting you go out like that,’’ he said.

‘’And why’s that?’’ I asked looking down at myself, I looked perfectly fine I didn’t see a problem with what I was wearing.

‘’I mean it looks pretty and all but…oh whatever. You’re going to freeze, get a jacket,’’ he said pointing up to my room.

I rolled my eyes. ‘’Stop overreacting, I’m fine,’’ I said stressing the word fine.

‘’You’re not going to say that once you open that damn door, I may have never seen snow but I’ve read plenty about it and I’m willing to bet you twenty bucks that it’s going to snow tonight,’’ he said still looking annoyed.

‘’Oh my god, let’s just get going we’re going to be late,’’ I said as I reached behind him to try get the door to open. He swat my hand away and smirked down at me.

‘’That late thing didn’t seem to be bothering you two minutes ago,’’

‘’well it sure bothered you, so if you don’t mind, let’s go now,’’ I said pointing to the door.

‘’Just, go, get, a, coat,’’ he said annunciating each word.

‘’You’re frikkin impossible,’ I groaned as I went back upstairs and grabbed a white coat. After slipping it on I went back down.

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