Chapter 12

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Chapter 12


The day went by fast; I sat in last period with Ellie and Grace, they were writing their essay while I tapped my pen both impatient and nervous for the try outs.

‘’Stop tapping!’’ Ellie hissed as she snatched away my pen.

‘’hey! That’s my favourite pen,’’ I said pouting.

She purposely held it even further away as she shot me a cocky smile. I rolled my eyes at her and attempted to snatch the pen back but she passed it on to Grace who was next to her.

‘’Duuudddeee,’’ I whined.

‘’yes?’’ she asked batting her eyelashes at me.

I held out my hand as a response.

‘’Don’t have it, ‘sorry,’’ she said shrugging.

‘’Grace,’’ I growled playfully.

‘What?’’ she said smiling sweetly at me.

‘’You girls are gonna kill me one day,’’ I growled as I flopped on the desk.

‘’’Just promise to not tap again ok?’’ Ellie asked as she crooned her neck next to my face.

‘’Yeah yeah whatever, just give me back my pen,’’ I said.

‘’Your wish is my command,’’ she said in a fake posh voice as she flicked out the pen. I reached forwards to get it but she pulled back.

‘’What do you say?’’ she asked still looking at me with a cocky smile.

‘’you’re a bitch?’’ I suggested teasingly.

‘’Nope,’’ she said. ‘’sorry no pen for you Mr Stone,’’ she said as she hid the pen away again.

‘’Come on,’’ I said almost tiredly as I reached out again for my pen.

‘’What’s the magic word?’she asked again sweetly.

‘’Please?’’ I said defeated. I just wanted my pen back because I suddenly had a brainwave of what I was going to write in my extended essay.

‘’Put it in a full sentence,’’ she said playing with my patience.

‘’Oh dammit, can I please have my pen back?’’ I asked as I blew a piece of hair that fell in my eyes.

‘’Name?’’ she asked again still with that sick smile on her lips.

‘’Please can I have my pen back Ellie?’’ I said stressing out her name.

‘’Well if you ask so politely,’’ she said as she produced out her pen.

I tried to snatch the pen away from her but it didn’t work.

‘’Uh, what do you say when you receive something?’’ she said beaming because she knew I was annoyed.

‘’THANK YOU,’’ I nearly bellowed. ‘’now can I PLEASE have my pen back Ellie?’’

‘’Of course, no need to shout,’’ she said as she handed me back my pen.

‘’Thank you!,’’ I said as I got the pen and started writing.

After a while I turned back to her.

‘’You gonna see me at try outs?’I asked.

‘’Yeah, I don’t have any other way of going back to your house dumbbutt,’’ she said sighing.

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