Chapter 6

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sorry i have a tendancy to overwrite xD so sorry if the chapters are too long! i know i should probably cut them down but i can't seem to find the right place to do that D:


Chapter 6

We both spun around shocked, dad stood there slurring and stumbling as he took a swig of beer. My heart clenched and I could feel tears pricking at my eyes. Why did he have to embarrass me now? Out of all times. Blake looked stunned as he stared at him.

‘’I don’t want to repeat myself Ellie, who the fuck is he?’’ he asked pointing to Blake. His eyes were full of anger and there was a vein throbbing on his forehead.

‘He’s a friend,’’ I said as I stood in front of Blake and clutched his hand. I wanted to be brave and protect him which is pretty stupid since Blake is all muscles.  

‘’that doesn’t answer the damn question!’ dad roared and I flinched as I smelled the strong smell of alcohol.

‘’dad please, calm down, go back into the kitchen,’’ I said as bravely as I could. I was glad when my voice came out calm and stern.

‘’You don’t tell me what to do in my fucking house,’’ he snapped.

‘’You shouldn’t speak to your daughter like that,’’ Blake said, he looked pretty angry as well.

‘’you don’t tell me what to do in my house,’’ dad hissed again as he took a step towards him.

‘’Blake please leave,’’ I begged looking up at him. He looked down on me, his blue eyes had turned black, but it softened a little when he saw me.

‘’No, I can’t let you deal with him yourself,’’

‘’It’s ok, I’ve dealt with him myself a lot of times, please just go,’’ I pleaded.

‘’yes fucking leave,’’ my dad snapped at him. Rage boiled on Blake’s face again as he took a step closer.

‘’Did you just swear at me?’’ he asked as his hands curled into a fist.

‘’Yes, what you gonna do about it?’’ Dad slurred as he took another messy swig of the beer, it dripped down and landed on the floor.

I stepped in between them and placed a hand on both of their chests, and then I turned to Blake.

‘’Listen to me, leave,’’ I said as commandingly as I could.

He glared at me but walked out the door, but he didn’t shut it, he stood outside with his back to us, which I was glad.

Then I turned back to dad. ‘’Why not you sit down dad? I’ll bring you another beer,’’ I suggested as calmly as possible. Bullshit. As soon as he calmed down, Blake would leave and I’d bolt before my dad got too out of control. I would go to the park or something. I did that so many times, and he fell so it every time.

He visibly relaxed slightly, but then he tensed again. His face was an inch away from mine; I could see the hatred and rage in his eyes, I could see my reflection in his eyes, scared, timid and vulnerable. ‘’You filthy little liar,’’ he hissed. Then he raised the beer bottle and whacked me across the face, the pain hit me like a bullet, I cried out and clutched my bleeding face as I fell to the ground. I looked up at him between my lashes as fresh tears pricked my eyes.

‘’Now look what you fucking did, you killed my beer,’’ he snapped as he stomped into the kitchen to get a new bottle.


I stormed outside angrily; I didn’t understand why Ellie wouldn’t let me stay. Her dad was obviously drunk and out of control. But when she begged me to leave for the second time I saw the desperation in her eyes. I unwillingly stepped out but refused to shut the door. I turned around to give them some privacy, so if anything happened I would be able to rush back in. I heard them talking then suddenly a cry, I spun around shocked.

‘’Now look what you fucking did, you killed my beer,’’ Ellie’s father said as he went into the kitchen.

I felt rage and worry build inside me as I rushed by Ellie’s side, her face was filled with blood and her eyes shone with unshed tears.

‘’I’m so sorry, I shouldn’t have left you alone,’’ I said as I scooped her up, inspecting her face. She shook her head as if to tell me it’s ok. ‘

‘’I’m going to show your father who’s in charge,’’ I said as I stood up and gritted my teeth. ‘’I’ll be back in one minute and I’ll bring you to the hospital.’’ How dare a father do that to their own daughter, being an irresponsible parent is bad enough, but hitting your own daughter with a frikkin beer bottle is way out of line.

‘’No, please don’t,’’ she said softly. She cradled her face as streaks of blood ran down her arm and dripped onto the ground creating a red puddle.

‘’I can’t let him hit you and get away with it,’’ I said angrily.

‘’yes you can,’’ she whispered. I dropped down next to her and looked into her eyes. She was losing a lot of blood as different sizes of glass stabbed into her face completely ruining the left side of her face. Her eyes were glazing and I realized she was going to pass out from the pain and blood loss really soon.

‘’I’ll deal with him later, you need to get into a hospital now,’’ I said grimly, I carried her bridal style as I walked out, I made sure to slam the door as loudly as possible before heading down to the car. She stared up at me as I carried her, her eyelid drooping, her eyelids drooped faster and faster, and each time it closed it shut for longer.

‘’Don’t go all unconscious on me,’ I tried to joke as I opened the door and put her inside.

She shot me a weak smile but didn’t reply. I went to the driver seat and went to the hospital as fast as possible. But the thing was, I didn’t know where the hospital was. i turned back to ask Ellie for directions if she was able to give any, but her eyes was already shut. I froze for a second wondering if she had actually died, but then I saw the rise and drop of her chest and realized she was ok. I decided to go home, my mom would know what to do.

I drove back home in record time. I barely had time to shut the car door before sprinting to the front door and banging and ringing the doorbell at the same time. Ky one of my brother’s came out looking disturbed.

‘’What the-‘’ he began.

I cut him off before he had time to continue. ‘’I need mom now this is an emergency,’’

The anger from his expression faded, he must’ve seen the wild desperate look in my eyes. He nodded and ran into the house calling for mom. Less than a few seconds mom appeared flustered, she took one look at my face and looked at me expectantly.

I couldn’t be bothered to explain so I pulled her out, Ky followed. I opened the car door and there lay Ellie’s body, her face bloodied as blood stains ran down her chest, some even on the car. Her eyes were shut and her breathing was slow. Ky looked shocked and mom gasped.

‘’Did you kill her?’’ my mom asked.

‘’WHAT? NO! i-‘’

‘’Shut up,’’ mom commanded. She fished out her cell phone and dialled for an ambulance.

‘’They’ll be here in a few minutes,’’ she said. She leaned into the car and felt her wrist for a pulse.

‘’Any pulse?’’ Ky asked concerned.

‘’Yes, but barely,’’ mom said softly. ‘’This story better be a good one,’’

‘’She won’t die will she?’’ I whispered.

‘’No, honey. She won’t. She just lost a lot of blood. She can recover,’’ mom said quietly. I sorely hoped so, even though I had just known her for 2 days, she had been welcoming and funny, and I already counted her as one of my good friends here. 

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