Chapter 28

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Chapter 28

‘’Ellie darling can you get the mail please?’’ Amelia said as she sizzled sausages in the pan. We were back from camp for two days already, it was a Sunday and we were having a late breakfast.

‘’sure,’’ I said walking out in my pyjamas.

I walked out to the mailbox, opened it and got out a stack of mail. I shifted it around counting how many there were while humming.

‘’GOTCHA,’’ a deep voice growled.

My eyes widened but I couldn’t see anything, I followed my instincts and barrelled back into the house.

‘’ELLIE, IT’S YOUR FATHER. COME HERE,’’ my father bellowed, I took one glance at him and sped back into the house.

‘’ELLIE, FOR FUCKS SAKE, STAY HERE,’’ he shouted as he ran after me.

I stupidly forgot me keys, I banged on the door loudly and fiercely.

‘’STOP IT!’’ his voice shouted,

‘’OPEN UP!’’ I screamed as I banged on the door with all my might. I jiggled the hand knob but it wasn’t opening.

‘’SOMEBODY OPEN UP!’’ I shrieked as I saw his figure coming closer. I rang the doorbell over and over again.

‘’GOTCHA!’’ he repeated as he shoved me against the wall of the house causing a loud bang.

‘’OWW’’ I shrieked as I tried to push him off.

‘’I won’t let you go for a second time you bitch,’’ he growled.

‘’HEEELLPP!’I screamed before his fist connected with my face and clamped his hands over my mouth. His hands were so big it covered both my nose and mouth, I couldn’t breathe.

Tears began rolling down my cheeks as he continued jamming his fists at me, head, neck,. Back, legs, arms, everywhere. Just then the door opened up, and all the men of the house stood glaring.

‘’get off her,’’ George said commandingly.

Ky and Blake stood glaring at my father.

‘’I think I can do whatever I want to my daughter,’’ he sneered as his hand on my mouth tightened.

Oxygen really was going down in my lungs. Blake’s eyes zeroed on his hand the same time as Ky and his father.

‘’let go of her mouth,’’ George said in the same cold commanding tone.

‘’fuck no, this little bitch deserves to die,’’ he growled.

I panted heavily as oxygen ran out. Just then loud sirens and colourful blue red colours covered the porch as police ran up.

‘’get your hands off her,’’ a burly man said in a booming voice as he pointed a gun at my father. My eyes widened in fright.

‘’Jesus Christ, what the fuck is this? Hollywood?’’ he said sarcastically.

‘’hands off,’’ another policeman said coming up the steps.

‘’I called the cops on you, now let go of the poor girl,’’ Amelia came out as well, her voice hard; her eyes were narrowed into cold slits.

I lifted a finger and pointed to his hand still on my nose, black dots started covering my vision as my lungs tightened.

‘’You are suffocating her, get your filthy hands off,’’ Blake hissed.

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