Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

I slumped outside the car and Ky joined me, this was his way of showing he was there was me. He didn’t say much or make any movement to comfort me, his presence was already enough. Mom paced checking her pulse regularly. The ambulance came and took her away on a stretcher then nee-nawwed away as we followed behind them in the car.

When we arrived in the hospital she was sent to do operations immediately, to take out all the glass, stitch up her face, and probably put some blood into her or something. Eugh, I don’t know. Im no good at these medical stuff. We sat outside waiting. I slumped down as I buried my face into my hands.

‘’Honey, what happened?’’ Mom asked gently. Both she and Ky looked at me expectantly. For some reason, I felt like her accident was my fault. If I didn’t leave her I could’ve stopped her dad, or pulled her out of the way or something, but I didn’t.

‘’I’m horrible,’’ I whispered.

‘’What? Sweetheart, of course you’re not horrible,’’ mom said as she pulled me into a hug.

‘’I drove her home, then I went in to use the washroom, when I got out she was about to send me to the door, but her father came out. He was drunk and was getting out of control. I tried to stop him but Ellie insisted me to leave because she could deal with it herself. I didn’t believe her, but she begged me to, so I went out but I left the door open so I could still hear what was going on. I heard them talking then suddenly someone shouted in pain,’’ I stopped as I let out a huge sigh.

Mom squeezed my shoulders comfortingly and Ky just looked at me.

‘’I turned to see her father walking away, the bastard hit her with his fucking beer bottle.’’ I finished, I was so angry that someone could do that to their daughter that I was seeing red.

‘’He didn’t!’’ Mom gasped. Ky looked stricken.

‘’He did,’’ I sighed as I ran my fingers through my hair.

‘’I tried to bring her to the hospital but I didn’t know where it was, so I bought her home,’’ I finished.

‘’It’s ok, it’s not your fault Blake. You have to understand that.’’ Mom said.

I didn’t feel like opening up to my mother, I didn’t want to tell her I felt horrible and that it was my fault. Saying that I was a horrible person was already too much emotion shown in one day. I simply nodded.

‘’I’m going to get some water,’’ I announced as I went to the vending machine.

‘’’What are you going to tell the doctors?’’ Ky asked.

I knew Ellie wouldn’t like it if I told them the truth. ‘’I’ll just say we knocked over a vase or something,’’ I sighed.

We waited patiently, or rather impatiently, for 2 hours then finally Dr. Moore walked out with a clipboard in his hand.

‘’Ellie Evans?’’ he asked looking up.

We immediately went to the doctor.

‘’Are you Ellie’s family?’’

‘’No but her guardian is currently unavailable,’’ mom said in her firmest voice. The voice that she uses in business.

‘’Very well, follow me, I’ll explain her condition on the way.’’ Dr. Moore said as he led us through a corridor.

‘’At the moment she’s settled but she’s still unconscious because of the medication that we put in her during the operation. Give her two hours or so and she’ll wake up. We took out the glass and stitched up her face. The accident seemed pretty severe, and judging by other body parts it doesn’t seem like it’s the first time something like that has happened. There’s a lot of old scars that look like it’s made from glass as well,’’ Dr. Moore explained frowning.

I got angry as the doctor said the last bit, he’s hurt her before and she never told anybody. I know that for a fact because I’m certain Grace would’ve bought her to the doctor. Why was that girl so damn stubborn?

‘’What happened?’’ the doctor asked turning to me.

‘’We were playing and we knocked over a vase,’’ I lied as calmly as possible.

‘’What about the other injuries?’’ The doctor asked.

‘’I’m not sure about those,’’ I said not knowing how to lie on the spot.

‘’Very well, I’ll bring you to her room and come back and check on her in an hours’ time. Any questions?’’ he asked as he led us to a door.

‘’No, thank you Dr. Moore,’’ mom said politely as we set foot into her room.

The room was white and boring; Ellie lay in the bed right in the middle with IV tubes in her arms. She was lying peacefully on her back as her chest rose up and down evenly. Her face was damaged, there were neat stitches criss-crossed across her cheek, and they looked so ugly on her. Such a beautiful kind girl shouldn’t be hurt like that. Nonetheless, nobody should be hurt like that. I grabbed a chair and sat next to her, staring at her even though I knew she wouldn’t wake up until a few hours later.

‘’You seem to feel a lot for her,’’ Ky sad raising an eyebrow at me.

‘’She’s just a friend,’’ I growled. The room sank into an uncomfortable silence as we all stared at her body. It shocked me how a minute before the accident we were still teasing each other about fishes, and then bam, she’s on the floor pouring blood.

‘’Where is the poor girl going to go after she’s allowed to leave the hospital?’’ Mom asked. ‘’Does she have another family member or something?’’

‘’Not that I know of,’’ I said.

‘’She’s living with us then,’’ mom said firmly.

I shot her a grateful smile; I wouldn’t be able to sleep if I knew she was under the same roof as her father.

‘’Are you going to tell her father?’’ Ky asked.

We all looked at the floor in silence, not knowing what to do.

‘’If Ellie wants then we will, if she doesn’t then we won’t. It’s her choice,’’ mom said.

I was getting sleepy, my head dropped and nodded every time my eyes shut.

‘’Just go sleep honey, we’ll wake you when she wakes up,’’ mom said gently.

I nodded then let myself sleep. 

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