Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

‘’let’s go to the tree house,’’ Kyle said standing up, he offered me his hand and I stood up as well.

‘’Sure, but what tree house?’’ I asked.

‘’We built a tree house a few years ago together,’’ Blake added in, gesturing towards himself and Kyle.

‘’I am not going near that thing,’’ I said.

‘’What why?’’ Kyle asked as he made an exaggeration of his jaw dropping.

‘’Because you guys built it, how the heck am I supposed to know I’m not gonna fall?’’ I said rolling my eyes.

‘’You don’t,’’ They both replied smiling cheekily. ‘’you just gotta risk it,’’ Blake said still smirking.

‘’or else we’re gonna drag you in,’’ Kyle smirked.

‘’Whatever, just show me this tree house of yours,’’ I said rolling my eyes. We stood in the dining room just staring at each other.

‘’Well is someone going to show me the way or what?’’ I asked.

They led me to a back garden where there was a huge tree, in between it was a wooden house, it looked pretty stable and there was a ladder hanging down.

‘’I can’t believe you’ve never seen it before, it’s literally right next to your room window,’’ Blake said as he got the ladder and offered it to me.

‘’Yeah yeah,’’ I said as I started climbing up, it was quite wobbly and it was quite scary seeing as I was wearing a dress.

‘’wait,’’ I said as I stepped a few steps up, the boys were about to follow up.

‘’What?’’ They asked.

‘’Don’t go up until I’m all the way up,’’ I commanded


‘’Cuz I’m wearing a dress, you’re gonna look up it,’’ i squealed.

Blake and Kyle swapped a look that I couldn’t understand, then all of a sudden they both leapt for the ladder as it wobbled I swung around holding the sides.

‘’I’m gonna fall off!’’ I shrieked as I spun around on the flimsy ladder. I wasn’t too high up, and I was actually getting quite scared as the ladder continued to spin more and more. I just let go and jumped down, I fell on my back with a huge oof.

‘’Ellie’’ They both gasped as they dived next to me. I decided to play fun.

‘’Oooww,’’ I moaned as I rubbed my head even though it didn’t even hurt. I clutched my head and frowned painfully.

‘Don’t be dramatic, you weren’t even that high up,’’ Blake said, but even he sounded uncertain.

‘’I know but I fell on my head,’’ I wailed, it sounded quite real so I gave myself a mental thumbs up.

‘’Shit, and look at her cheeks, the stitches must be affecting it,’’ Kyle said pointing to my cheek.

‘’Don’t be stupid, of course it won’t be,’’ Blake said rolling his eyes, but he brushed my hair back and felt around for a lump.

‘’Let’s bring her inside,’’ Kyle said as he got ready to carry me, that’s when I started laughing. I laughed silently me and hid my face away from them so they could only see my shaking shoulders.

‘’Oh jesus, don’t cry,’’ Blake said as he patted my back awkwardly.

This made me laugh harder which made my shoulders shake harder.

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