Chapter 24

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Chapter 24

Shirts, pants, toiletries, undergarments, pyjamas, swimming costume, slippers, comb, towels, hair ties, sunscreen, bug spray, socks. I read through my list ticking each thing off as I checked my suitcase. We were going on a school camp tomorrow and I had just finished packing my bags, I chose really carefully as I didn’t want to lug a whole load of stuff and not use half of it so I had no trouble zipping it up. Just then my phone rang, Grace.

‘’Hey grace,’’ I greeted.

‘’Helloo! You having trouble packing?’’ she asked.

‘’nope, I’m all set,’’ I said lying on my bed playing with my hair.

‘’I can’t frikkin zip it,’’ she moaned. I heard rustling as she tried to zip her suitcase.

‘’Sit on it,’’ I said smirking.

‘’I am’’ she whined.

‘’Ask someone to help you,’’ I suggested.

‘’yeah I guess,’’ she sighed. ‘’hey I dibs seats next to you on the bus ok?’’ she said.

‘’Yeah of course,’’ I said nodding.

‘’Awesome see you tomorrow, bright and early,’’ she said in a fake chirpy voice.

‘’Ditto, see ya,’’ I said after ending the call.

I wandered across to Blake’s room, his door was wide open and he was shifting clothes in his wardrobe.

‘’Hellooo,’’ I greeted. As I stepped into his room and made myself comfortable on the bed.

‘’oh hi,’’ he said turning around to glance at me before turning back to his clothes.

‘’you done packing?’’ he asked, his voice muffled by the clothes.

‘’yup,’’ I said popping the p playfully.

He then came out with a handful of clothes and tossed them on the bed before returning to his wardrobe.

‘’Why do you need so much clothes?’’ I asked as I eyed the pile of clothes.

‘’Better safe than sorry, ‘he quoted with a smirk as he returned with his shorts.

Then he started folding each item skilfully then placed them in his suitcase.

‘’What’s the timetable?’’ he asked as I watched him pack.

‘First day is hiking, then water sports, then service work in the orphanage, then that competition game thing, and then that’s it,’’ I recited from memory.

‘’We’re striking tents right?’’ he asked.

‘’yeah who’s your partner?’’ I asked.

‘’Kyle,’’ he said in a duh voice.

‘’right, stupid me,’’ I said slapping myself on the head.

‘’Which day are you most pumped for?’’ I asked curiously.

‘’I like water sports the best I suppose,’’ he said thoughtfully. ‘’you?’’

‘’probably service work,’’ I said my mind running through the activities. ‘’I hate how we have hiking on the first day, it’s getting our frikkin muscles to work on the first day,’’ I complained.

‘’hiking’s cool,’’ Blake said as he returned from the toilet with his stuff.

‘’no it’s always so boring, I’m always at the back, there’s loads of bugs and my legs always get numb,’’ I complained.

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