Chapter 30

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Chapter 30

‘’settle, change, then we can go to the beach yeah?’’ Amelia said as she tucked her suitcase under her arms

We all agreed as we made our way to the beach houses. It was a huge house and it would fit all of us in there. Xavier and Kyana shared a room, Ky and Mikaela shared a room, Ethan, Jake and Blake shared a room so that meant I was all alone. But I didn’t really mind, I liked having my own personal space.

After unpacking I changed into my pink tankini and put a white shirt on top, then twisted my hair in a bun and wore my flip flops. After meeting at the living room we all set off towards the beach.

‘Man can’t wait to surf again,’’ Blake said as we walked down the sandy path together.

‘’don’t know how to surf, it looks pretty cool though,’’ I commented.

‘’it IS cool,’ he grinned.

‘’is it hard?’’ I asked.

‘’it’s pretty basic to be honest, but you just gotta get the hang of it, once you got it, then everything just comes naturally,’’ he said smiling.  

He attempted to teach me how to surf, and by the end of the day I had gotten the hang.

‘’Big wave coming, get ready! ’He yelled over the water current.

I got to my feet at the same time as him, and then we both got swept away by the waves together. Water splashed and sprayed my face but the feeling was exhilarating.

‘’there you go!’’ Blake cheered happily. He shook his blonde head letting water fly everywhere. He looked really good, with his abs and wet hair and body and all.

‘’I think this calls for an ice cream, ‘he said as the familiar jingling of the ice cream van rolled by.

‘’mmm yes,’’ I agreed as I shook my damp hair out then retied my bun.

His eyes scanned my body and I squirmed under his gaze. We made our way to the ice cream van and a girl around our age stood in front of us. A burly man was at the counter making the ice creams. After getting her ice cream she turned around and accidently bumped into Blake, her whole ice cream came tumbling down and landed into a splat.

‘’oh god, I’m so sorry’’ Blake said smiling apologetically.

‘’that’s alright,’’ the girl laughed.

She had long blonde hair and big blue eyes, she was wearing a red bikini and she had great curves.

‘’I’ll just get you another one,’’ Blake offered.

‘’that would be nice,’’ she grinned.

After buying ice creams for all of us, she handed the third one to the girl.

‘’there you go, I’m Blake,’’ he said smiling.

‘’Mandy,’’ the girl grinned. Then she turned to me.

‘’oh I’m Ellie,’’ I said nodding with a smile.

‘’you guys look great together,’’ she commented.

‘’oh no we’re not together,’’ I said quickly.

‘’so he’s on the market?’’ she joked pointing to Blake.

I nodded, but my jaw tightened. I liked Blake that was undeniable. What if they started dating?

‘’do you want to join us? We’re just surfing,’’ Blake offered shooting her a charming smile.

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