Chapter 9

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Chapter 9


I paced in my wardrobe wondering what I should wear, I think something casual would be ok, but I wanted to make a good first impression.

‘’Hey Ellie are you done yet?’’ Amelia called through the door.

‘’No, I don’t know what to wear,’’ I said honestly..

‘’I’m going to come in ok?’’ Amelia said.

‘’Sure,’’ I said happy that she respected my space and privacy.

She stepped in and flipped through my clothes.

‘’It doesn’t have to be so fancy, it’s just a normal dinner,’’ she explained smiling.

‘’I know I just want to make a good first impression,’’ I sighed as I ran my fingers through my messy hair.

‘’here,’’ Amelia said holding up a white summer dress with a brown belt across the waist.

‘’thanks,’’ I said taking the dress from her.

‘’No worries, if you need more help feel free to ask,’’ she said walking out.

I quickly changed; the dress fell just above my knees and swished around my thighs comfortably. I twirled around feeling pretty for once. Then I combed my wavy blonde hair out and ended up pulling it in a tight ponytail. I sprayed a little perfume and slid a few bracelets up my arm, put on a butterfly shaped necklace, and changed my studs into small crystal flowers. I pulled out a grey cardigan just in case it got cold and went down.

‘’Hi,’’ I said softly as I entered the room.

‘’Hey, come join us for a game of snap!’’ Kyana said waving me over.

I went over and sat down in a circle and played a few games of snap. Blake kept on staring at me, I tried to ignore it but then flashed him a knowing glare. He chuckled then stopped looking at me, and I concentrated on the cards game. When the doorbell rang my stomach clenched, I never met much people especially boys and adults. I heard Amelia opening the door and greetings being said. Then a little girl in around the same age as jake ran in, her hair was in two braids and she had a handful of freckles dotted on her face. Her big blue eyes lit up when she saw Jake and she went over and gave him a huge hug.

‘’Hi!’’ she chirped happily. ‘’Do you like my new dress?’’ she asked twirling around in her bright pink dress.

‘’Of course,’’ Jake said politely. ‘’Mommy we’re going to my room,’’ Jake called out to Amelia.

‘’Sure honey, be careful,’’ Amelia said.

Jake pulled Meghan’s hand and they both ran into Jake’s room then slammed the door shut.

‘’Quietly please!’’ Amelia called while laughing.

‘’Sorry!’’ Two voices called out.

They were too cute. I turned to Blake smiling and he grinned back.

‘’Oh my gosh! They’re so damn cute! I bet my life their gonna date,’’ I said triumphantly.

‘’SO much confidence,’’ Blake said wiggling his eyebrows.

‘’Well duh! Did you not see them?’’ I asked waving my hands in the air.

Blake laughed. ‘’Of course I did, i bet all my allowance their gonna get married,’’ he said smirking.

‘’I bet they’ll start dating by 16,’’ I said smiling evilly.

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