Chapter 20

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Chapter 20


As I landed and my senses came rushing back the first emotion that came to mind was the word numb. My back had lost all sort of sense, I had literally lost all feeling to my back. I involuntarily let out a groan

‘’Ells, you ok?’’ Kyle asked as he bent forward and pushed himself close to me.

‘’Oh god that hurt,’’ I groaned as a numbing pain spread across my back.

‘’Do you want us to call the ambulance?’’ Ethan asked as he took out the emergency help tracker.

‘’No, I’m ok,’’ I said as I tensed and waited for the pain to pass.

‘’Are you sure? I think it’ll be better if we called for help,’’ Kyana said biting her lip.

‘’No, don’t,’’ I said as I felt the pain ebbing away slowly.

After a few moments the numbing pain turned into a throb

‘’Ok I’m good,’’ I heaved as I tried to sit up, but a flashing pain shot up my spine.

‘’Oh dear god,’’ I muttered as I clenched my jaw.

‘’Here let me help,’’ Kyle said as he helped me up. I got up slowly, every time I moved a bit the pain would maximise. When I finally stood somewhat straight I leaned against Kyle exhausted from simply standing up.

‘’man that was painful,’’ I said wiping imaginary sweat off my brow trying to brush it off and not worry anyone.

The others didn’t look convinced but they didn’t push it further either.

‘’It’s near 5 already, the skies going to turn dark after a while. Let’s just call it a day and head back,’’ Ethan said as he checked his watch.

‘’yeah I think that’s good,’’ Kyana agreed.

I walked back slowly still clutching my back as Kyle helped me. When I finally situated myself into my skies I had no idea how the hell I was going to ski back down the hill. Blake still looked stunned and shocked as he stood there just gaping while I put my skiis back on.

‘’Come on,’’ I said waving him forwards.

‘’Oh right,’’ he mumbled, he quickly buckled his skiis in then gripped his skiing stick.

We skied down the hill slowly and steadily, in all honesty, I was getting used to the pain, but that didn’t mean that the pain wasn’t going anywhere. After returning our equipment’s and putting back our normal boots on I must say my feet felt ten times better, those skiing shoes were damn heavy.

‘’That was fun,’’ Ky smiled as he flagged a cab.

‘’So coming back tomorrow,’’ I agreed whole heartedly.

‘’Can’t believe it’s the last day tomorrow,’’ Kyana sighed. ‘’I sure will miss this place,’’

After telling the driver our cabin address, we simply stared at the white view in front of us, the snow had gotten a lot stronger, the radio cackled and there was a report on how there was an estimated snow storm coming our way soon. The cab ride took twice as long as it usually would and when we got to the cabin cab driver waved off passengers and hurried off, I’m assuming that he wanted to hurry home and keep his family safe.

When we arrived in the cabin we were met by a pair of very frantic pair of parents.

‘’Oh thank goodness you guys had the sense to come back home,’’ Amelia said as she wrapped us in a tight hug.

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