Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

The next morning I woke up with 30 minutes to spare. After taking a shower I stood in front of my wardrobe not knowing what to wear. You couldn’t play basketball in jeans, shorts would seem really slutty, and sweatpants seemed too casual. I finally settled on leggings and a baggy shirt with a tank top inside, so if I got too sweaty I could always take off my shirt. I pulled my hair in a tight ponytail grabbed a pair of trainers and made my way downstairs.

Dad was nowhere to be seen. I poured myself some cereal and while eating it I packed my bag with my phone, wallet, keys and earphones. After washing my cereal bowl I still had 10 more minutes to spare so I sat around watching television.

At exactly 10:00 o clock, a car beeped outside my house. I switched off the tv, grabbed my bag and ran out after locking the door. Blake was sitting in his car drumming his fingers on the wheel to the beat of a song.

‘’Morning,’’ he said as I opened the door.

‘’Hi,’’ I said as I buckled myself in.

Blake started the car and we sat in a comfortable silence.

‘’You have to tell me where this court is,’’ he said.

After giving him some directions we arrived at the basketball court. It was empty since nobody went out this early on a Saturday morning. After grabbing our bags and his basketball we walked out.

‘’I’ll watch you practice first then you can teach me,’’ I said as I slumped down against the wall.

‘’Fine by me, but only as long as you promise to let me teach you,’’ Blake said shrugging his bag off.

He started off with basic stuff, just dribbling around and shooting some hoops. But then it got quite intense, he started doing layups and all sorts of crazy spins and turns and whatnot. I watched dumbfounded as every single ball he shot swished through the hoop.

BY the end of the 2 hours he was pouring with sweat and panting heavily. I passed him his water and he drunk it down greedily. When he finished he sat next to me while tossing a ball in the air and catching it.

‘’So you think you’re ready?’’ he smiled.

I shrugged as I fiddled with my phone worriedly. I didn’t want him to see me fail, I suppose it was quite sweet that he wanted me to learn how to play, but I was still pretty worried.

‘’Come on,’’ he said. He stood up and offered me his hand. I pulled myself up using his hand and we headed back in front of the hoops.

‘’Let’s start with layups,’’ he said.

‘’What the heck are layups?’’ I asked feeling stupid.

He demonstrated one then gave me the ball.

‘’It’s pretty simple, all you gotta do is dribble then take two steps then do a half jump hop thing and shoot the ball in. Aim for the red box. Start slowly.’’ he explained.

‘’’Simple my butt,’’ I muttered as I got ready to try.

After a few attempts of fumbling with the ball and messing up my leg order, I finally got one in. I beamed as I watched the ball sail into the hoop and fall down on the ground. I turned to Blake and did a happy dance, and he laughed at me while he retreated the ball and passed it back to me.

‘’Now try go faster,’’ he instructed.

I did as he was told and it got in again, I did a few and I found myself enjoying it quite a lot.

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