Chapter 21

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Chapter 21

‘’So, New year’s is in three days, we’ve actually been invited to the hotel across the road for a party,’’ Amelia announced after breakfast.

‘’really?’’ Ethan asked looking excited.

‘’yes, but it’s just for adults,’’ she said.

‘’Oh so are we just gonna stay here and be lifeless babysitters?’’ Ethan sulked.

‘’No,’’ Amelia said shooting him a warning glance. ‘’If you just listen then you’d know,’’ With a toss of a head she continued. ‘’Adults are going to be heading over to the buffet room for dinner and new years celebration and that is only allowed for adults. Jake and Meghan will be dropped off at a babysitting class thing especially from the adults buffet. And you teenagers, there’s a under 25’s party downstairs, so you guys can go there-‘’ she said but was immediately cut off by all of us bouncing up and high-fiving each other. It had been a while since a party!

‘’But,’’ she said shooting us all looks.  ‘’There will be rules, and if you break them you will be punished severely,’’ she warned. We sobered up immediately, not particularly wanting to know the rules but having to know them anyways.

‘No getting drunk, no drug taking, no smoking, and absolutely one hundred per cent no sex,’’ She said flatly. The rest of the adults held a grim look on their face when she said that, thankfully Jake and Meghan were too absorbed in their game to notice the talk.   

We all nodded, that was reasonable enough; at least she wasn’t completely banning us from drinking and socializing.

‘’oh and dress sensibly, ‘she said especially shooting Kyana and I looks.

‘’Define sensible,’’ Kyana said resting her head on her palm.

‘’At least 2 inches above titties and four inches below booty,’ Amelia said with a final nod. It meant no arguing, no discussing, no changing the rules, it was either follow the rules or don’t go at all.

‘’yes mom,’’ we all mumbled..

‘’Good, but for now go enjoy your indoor days,’’ she said before laughing and going back into the kitchen.

‘’Wow I really hope this stupid blizzard sweeps away,’’ Ethan muttered looking at the strong snow outside. ‘’really looking forward to that party,’’

‘’it’s only gonna be a under 25’s party, what were you expecting?’’ Ky sulked.

‘’Uh excuse you, but have you seen 20 year old chics, they are h-o-t hot, with a capital H,’’ Ethan said with a fake bitchy voice making us all laugh.

‘’No banging girls, you heard mom,’’ Blake said rolling his eyes but smirking.

‘’Oh like you ever follow that rule,’’ Ethan shot back with the same smirk.

My heart sank a little knowing that he had many experience before and was continuing in the party, maybe I didn’t really want to go anymore. I didn’t want to see him with rumpled clothes, messy hair and lipstick stains and a train of girls sporting a new identical hickie.

‘’I’m following it this time, ‘Blake said stretching easily. Ethan gawked at his brother, in fact we all did.

‘’what? My little friend down there doesn’t like the assault anymore,’’ he defended.

We all rolled on the floor laughing the daylights out of us.

‘’Yeah well your loss, I am so bedding all of the hot ones, ‘Ethan said

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