Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

‘’Chris,’’ I choked.

‘’Missed me?’’ he said smirking not in a teasing way.

I looked down not knowing what to say. He sat down next to me, way too close to be comfortable but I didn’t dare move away.

‘’I see you’ve finally improved and found one more friend,’’ he said meanly.

‘’yes,’’ I replied stiffly.

‘’what do you even see in him?’’ he asked disgusted.

‘’why do you care?’’ I asked bravely.

‘’well you see, after seeing him with you I found out that I still haven’t gotten over you completely. I want you back,’’ he stated. It had no sincerity or kindness in the voice; it was as if I was an object rather a person.

‘’No,’’ I said plucking up the courage to talk back.

‘’No?’’ he said raising his eyebrows.

I shook my head scared. He clutched my wrists and I yelped in pain.

‘’Shush,’’ he said putting his fingers on my lips. My eyes zeroed on his fingers, I looked back up with him as my eyes flicked up and down uncomfortably.

‘’You’ll come back and be with me, yes?’’ he said rather than asking.

I shook my head unable to form words in my mouth. The clasp in my hand grew tighter as his hand dug deeper into my wrist.

‘’oh yes you will,’’ he said smiling at me evilly. ‘’I always get what I want, and my next want is you.’’

‘’we’re over,’’ I whispered as he removed his fingers from my lips.

‘’No, we are not,’’ he snapped as his fingernails dug deep into my skin.

‘’I don’t like you anymore,’’ I said even though he probably knew that already.

‘’because you’ve fallen in love with Blake right?’’ he said as his voice was laced with venom.

‘’no, I don’t like anyone,’’ I said quietly but firmly.

‘’yeah? Well that’s going to change, because I’m going to make you love me again,’’ he hissed in my face.

My heart rate picked up.

‘’Oh and those stitches on your face really don’t suit you, take them out,’’

I simply gaped at him, how could I have ever liked someone as disgusting as him?!

‘’I’m taking them out next week,’’ I said.

‘’Good I wouldn’t want a girlfriend with ugly stitchings on her face,’’ he said smiling, but it just looked plain creepy.

‘’I’m not going to be your girlfriend,’’ I said firmly.

He put his head really close to mine. ‘’you will do as I say because you know that I can seriously hurt you,’’ he hissed.

‘’and I can report you to the police,’’I hissed back even though I was crazy scared.

‘’yeah? Well I’ll hurt you enough so you won’t be able to do that,’’ he spat back. ‘’you’re a complete and utter bitch and slut, you think you’re so good, you’ve got all the teachers on your side, but I always get what I want.. and I will get you back. If you even dare try to tell the police I will harm you and not only you, but your little friends as well,’’ he hissed.

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