Chapter 18

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Chapter 18

On the morning of the 24th I couldn’t help but jump out of bed way earlier than usual, I went into Blake’s room and jumped into his bed.

‘’MERRY CHRISTMAS!!’’ I screamed at the top of my lungs at the sleeping Blake.

Blake jumped up in fright, his hair sticking out in odd angles and his eyes still groggy from sleep.

‘’huh?’’ he asked as he laid his head back down.

‘’get up lazy, it’s Christmas and I want to unwrap all my presents now!’’ I sqealed. Amelia had made us all put our presents under the tree with the person of the name written on clearly and we would all open them together when we woke up.

‘’Oh god, you’re worse than jake,’’ he groaned as he turned away from me.


‘’Frankly its Christmas eve, so goodbye I have no interest in talking to you at 6 in the morning.,’’

I pouted pretending to be sad. ‘’Fine,’’ I said as I walked out. The next door I visited was Kyana’s, I could hear tap water running, when she stepped out she yelped.

‘’Oh Jesus, you scared me,’’ she said as she tied her wet hair in a bun.

‘’merry Christmas!’’ I squealed as I wrapped my arms around her, she returned the hug as well.

‘’Shall we go wake up the rest of the family and open our presents now?’’ Kyana asked with a glint in her eye.

I nodded, we banged into Blake’s room yet again and we both jumped on him, shaking him and screaming for him to wake up.

‘’Okay okay, I’ll wake up,’’ he groaned as he stepped out of bed in just his sweatpants. Whoah he had some majorly good abs. He stretched and I found myself staring at him, thankfully he didin’t catch me, he took a shirt out and pulled it over his head much to my disappointment.

‘’I’ll go down and start making coffees,’’ he said as he walked down.

‘’next one’s Ky,’’ Kyana smirked.

‘We burst into Ky’s room screaming for him to get up, his reaction was pretty much the same as Blake’s which made both Kyana and I fall laughing.

‘’Come on sleepyhead, let’s get moving,’’ Kyana said shaking her twin’s shoulders.

‘’You know, for the fact that we’re twins, we’re completely different,’’ he groaned.

‘’It’s Christmas Ky! Be happy!’’ I screamed way too hyper.

Quickly we woke up each member of the family loudly and cheerfully, not long the whole family was seated by the Christmas tree drinking coffee.

‘’Well, Merry Christmas. What we waiting for? Let’s open some presents,’’ Amelia said as George put his arms around his wife and gave her a kiss.

I started unwrapping all my presents, I took the smallest one first but Blake put his hand on top of mine.

‘’Hey that’s my present,’’ I wailed.

‘’I know dummy, open it last, it’s from me,’’ he said looking slightly embarrassed. Even though I was bursting with curiosity I still respected him and opened the other ones first.

 I received clothes, jewellery, music, and nail polish, Jake had even drew me a really cute picture of him and me. After receiving each present I gave each person a hug. Finally the last present from Blake lay on the floor as I crouched down and picked it up. He looked at me as I unwrapped it. I pulled off the ribbon and started opening the box, inside lay the most beautiful charm bracelet I’ve ever seen. It had a thin silver bracelet and it hung 5 different charms. There was a heart, a star, a small bell, a reindeer, and the letter ‘E’.

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