Chapter 5

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sorry mind the language!


Chapter 5

 ‘’Should we head to the mall?’’ I asked pointing to a large building a few streets away.

‘’And watch you shopping? Ew no thanks,’’ Blake said rolling his eyes.

‘’Nobody said shopping,’’ I pointed out. ‘’Come on, it’ll be fun’’

‘’What are we gonna do? I don’t wanna go shopping,’’ Blake whined.

‘’Oh stop being such a big baby, we’re not going shopping. Trust me,’’ I said as I pulled his hand.

‘’I swear if we step into a single shop I will disappear,’’ Blake said dramatically.

‘’Well we might need to step into one or two, but that’s all,’’ I promised.

‘’Noooooooo!’’ he grumbled.

We spent the next 10 minutes bickering and me dragging him into the mall.

‘’Come on, it’ll be nice, there’ll be air con,’’ I pointed out lamely.

He snorted, ‘’Oh yeah air con because I’m so poor I can’t even afford to have an ac,’’ he sniggered.

My face flushed red. ‘’Just get a frikkin move on,’’ I said as I dragged him closer to the entrance.

‘’Just tell me what you’re planning,’’ he said annoyed. ‘’If you’re not telling me I’m going home,’’ he pouted.

‘’It’s only 3:30, keep your cool,’’ I said.

I walked into the closest supermarket.

‘’Food AGAIN?’’ Blake groaned.

‘’yes, food again,’’ I said as I led him to the chocolate section.

I picked out two chocolate bars and he picked out a drink. After paying I led him to the very top of the building. There was a huge rooftop, the sun was beating down and the wind was blowing gently. We could see a lot since we were so high up.

‘’Whoah,’’ He said as we sat down and started on our food. ‘’It’s pretty here,’’

‘’I know, and you complained the whole way here,’’ I smirked. ‘’You should trust me next time,’’

‘’who knows, you are a girl after all. Trust me I know what shopping with girls are like, it’s frikkn torture,’’ he groaned.

‘’So tell me more about yourself,’’ I said as I stretched out on the floor.

‘’What about myself?’’ He asked.

‘’Well, why did you move here?’’ I said.

‘’Dad got a new job, so we all moved. We didn’t want him to be on his own,’’

‘’Got a girlfriend?’’ I asked.

‘’Why? Would you be jealous if I did?’’ Blake smirked.

‘’Hell no,’’ I rolled my eyes. ‘’Can’t a girl be curious?’’

‘’well, to answer your question I don’t have a girlfriend,’’ he said.

I don’t know why but my heart swelled with happiness.

‘’What about you?’’ he asked.

‘’nobody likes me,’’ I said. ‘’Why would I have a boyfriend?’’

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