Chapter 23

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Chapter 23

‘’Oh god, how you guys manage this is beyond me,’’ I groaned as I stuffed the millionth piece of pizza in my mouth. The first guy to drop out was Marcus. We all roared with laughter as he chugged down his 11th can of Pepsi then burped an embarrassingly loud burp nearly barfing out all the food in his system. He didn’t plan on stopping, he was going to reach over to get another slice of pizza when his girlfriend’s hand shot out and stopped him.

‘’I don’t want to be driving a fat puking man home. If you take that piece you’re not getting in my car,’’ His girlfriend said sternly while she tried to stifle a grin.

‘’But Lisaaaa…’’’Marcus moaned. ‘’I can’t pay for all this,’’ he said gesturing at all the empty plates stacked on the edge of the table.

‘’Then you shouldn’t have signed up for it,’’ Lisa replied with an indignant nod.

‘’Drop out, or else trouble in paradise is gonna increase,’’ Carl said with a snigger.

‘’Babe, one more piece,’’ Marcus begged.

‘’No,’’ Lisa said shaking her head firmly.

I honestly could see her point, we had all finished what we had ordered and had already gotten seconds. The waiter honestly looked at us like we were aliens and kept on dodging around us as if we were about to puke on him at any given moment, he looked so scared I wouldn’t be surprised if he already called the cleaning team to mop up our sick later on.

‘’Baaabbeee please, I’m broke! I can’t afford all this and I won’t be able to bring you to that special Italian restaurant you begged to go,’’ Marcus said pouting.

‘’Then tough, I’d rather have a healthy broke boyfriend than a boyfriend who’s vomiting up his guts for days on end,’ Lisa said crossing her arms with a pout.

‘’Aawww,’’ Marcus said as he leaned over and gave her a long kiss.

‘’And you are out,’’ Elliot said as he snatched the piece of pizza that Marcus was supposed to eat. But the couple barely seemed to hear us, their kiss only deepened as Marcus leaned further on his chair.

‘’Get a room!’’ Kyle hollered which made everybody splutter with laughter.

‘’I’ll pay whoever pushes Marcus off the chair,’’ Blake said with a smirk.

‘’How much?’’ Daniel asked.

‘’20 bucks,’’ Blake said flapping a note in his hand.

‘’You’re on,’’ Daniel said before anybody could get a word in. But before he had gotten to him I had already given Marcus a shove.

‘’HEY!’’ Daniel yelled pointing at me.

‘’Oops,’’ I said with a wink and a smirk. ‘’ [Pay up buddy’’ I said gesturing to the note in Blake’s hand.

He sighed with a smirk on his lip as he handed me his money.

‘’Thank you,’’ I sang as I tucked the money in my wallet.

‘’But that’s my money!’’ Daniel wailed still pointing at me like a little kid.

‘’Oops,’’ I repeated as I blew him mimed kiss. He caught the invisible kiss and ripped it into shreds then brushed his hands clean of the heart shreds.

‘’Aww I’m hurt,’’ I cooed sarcastically.

‘’Are any of you going to help me up or are you just going to keep babbling about your money?’ Marcus asked flatly as he landed bum first on the ground with a loud thud.

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